Chapter 10: Summer Vacation- Part 2

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I jump at the sight of this. He unblocked me. He finally unblocked me. Who messages who first? What to message him? Thanks? Remember Granny Stone, yes it's in the ocean?
"Hannah, what?" My mom gets up and stares at me. I show her the phone, and it's the first time I've smiled after the accident. She smiles back and calms me down from jumping.
"Come on, I'm ready to go." Both of them look up and smile. Next thing I know, we are walking with me in the middle. Daniel and Mom on the left and right. Smiling. Some things are actually being found. We spent most of the rest of the day shopping. I get gifts for Kitty and all the A's. Should I get something for Jason? I see a blackboard in the shape of a keychain. It's cute. I pick it up and buy a little piece of chalk. I mean just in case we cross paths in the near future, I will be prepared. The next morning, we all wake up full of enthusiasm. Well, actually just me. I put on my favorite overalls with my flower shirt and run out of the door. But, one thing makes me stop in my tracks. Smoothies. I look up and see him. Adam?! No, Jason. He stands in front of his Jeep just outside my hotel. His smile is bright and arms are expanded so I play it cool.
"The trash can is the next few blocks down." I say and pick up a smoothie. Rude much, Hannah?
"Uh- Hannah, I came here for you." He turns around and opens the door and pulls out sunflowers. He's sweet but the fact he broke up with Kitty just to come see me. Wait, he broke up WITH KITTY JUST TO COME SEE ME! My mouth drops open and tears come down my face. He drops the flowers and I run into his arms.
He spins me around then puts my feet back onto the ground. I look up and he smiles. "Remember what I said?" I shake my head. What did he say? "I would do anything and I mean anything for you." Fireworks. I break loose of his grip.
"What are you doing here?" I laugh.
"I came here for you, silly."
"I- uh I kind of have a boyfriend. I'm sorry." His eyes turn sad just like they were the night I left him. But then he smiles, all of a sudden.
"I heard a kind of." I hit him on the shoulder and he lifts me up. The necklace. Do I tell him?
"I have to tell you something." I whisper in his ear. He drops me and looks in my eyes. "The necklace. It fell into the ocean."
"It's not your fault, Hannah. Don't push yourself around for something that happened on accident." I laugh and run inside.
"MOMMM! JASON'S HERE. K, BYE!" We get in his Jeep, laughing and singing our favorite songs. We shop around and that's when I remember his gift. "Jason, I have something to give you." I say when we get into the Jeep.
"Oh, -thank you. But I don't want anything, just you by my side." I smile but I still want him to take the gift.
"Take it, please...." I make puppy dog eyes at him.
"Fine." He laughs. As he opens it, I get nervous. What if he doesn't like it? He smiles at the words I wrote already before wrapping it.
"It was before you came back." I say smiling. We both look at the words often on the chalkboard. "I miss you". As we walk up to the hotel, music becomes louder and louder. At first, Jason tells me to go first, but I push him forward, as we walk in, we are shocked at who's in the room. It's everyone. The A's including Adam, who isn't surprised of me with Jason, Kitty and heck even Audrey, familiar cheerleaders along with Sadie and Jason's football players.
"What- is going on?" I say laughing. All wearing hats even thought it's 11pm at night. I walk around and hug the ones I know. The A's. Kitty, Sadie, Audrey (who surprisingly hugs me back).
"We came to see you. Your mom told us what happened, and we came." Kitty says hugging me tightly.
"Right, but what about him?" I whisper and point to Jason.
"Oh, don't worry. I found someone new." She waves at Adam and he waves back. So that's why they don't care.
"Good for you, Kitty. You don't mind thought, right?"
"Oh no, never!"
"UM, one question everyone." Everyone stares at me. "Where are you all going to sleep?" Everyone laughs and pulls out sleeping bags. My mom and Daniel apparently booked the next hotel room in advance, so I guess it all worked out.
"Hannah?" I look up and see Jason smiling. Everyone else is sleeping soundly except me and Jason.
"Yes?" I smile back and grab his hand.
"Do you mind if-" he nods towards the right, empty side of the bed. The side next to me. I laugh and pull the covers aside for him. He wraps his arms around me. Before I can fall asleep, Jason whispers something in my ear. "I love you, Hannah."
The next morning, I wake up to my name.
"OH, HANNAH?!" Kitty is sitting on top of me, pillow in hand.
"Oh, hey- hey. What are you doing?" I say while pulling myself on my elbows. I look around and see EVERYONE has a pillow in hand. Jason, still on side of me, wakes up; Audrey jumping at his feet.
"YEA?" He sits up, his hair extremely messy and we both look at each other. Knowing what's coming next. We are just waiting for someone to say the next 2 words.
"PILLOW FIGHT!" Me and Jason stand up and grab a pillow from behind us. Sadly, he picks one up first and hits me so hard in the face, I fly off the bed and land on the floor.
"JASON!" I hear Audrey yell. "You almost knocked her out." I play along, eyes going from opened to closed and I don't stand up.
"Hannah?" Kitty comes near me. Everyone has stopped to check on me. People surround me, some of the guys hitting Jason. "Are you ok?"
"Yea, I think so." I say slowly. "In fact, I am PERFECTLY FINE!" I launch myself at Jason who falls on the bed laughing. Everyone laughs and continues. Eventually, we all decide to split up and go shopping. Before Jason can get me to come with him. Audrey grabs my hand.
"Hannah.. I- need to tell you something."
"Yea, wait here Jason." Audrey pulls me into the room and tells me the truth.
"Sooo wait let me get this straight." I say confused at what she has just told me. "You, AUDREY, had a crush on Kitty?"
"Yea.. not anymore! I've moved on of course, but the reason why I was so mean to you was because I thought she liked you or you liked her. I was just being protective that's all." She grabs my hand and tears leave her eyes.
"Audrey, I understand. So, do you still like her?"
"Uhh no, me and Trevor are actually dating, the first time was all pretend. Again I did it just to be mean to you and ruin your confidence."
"Thank you for telling me. I hope we can be friends." She nods and smiles. We walk out the room. Jason still waiting outside on the ground. He stands up quickly and takes me somewhere. Kitty left with some of the boys, Audrey and the A's going to the beach to look at some guys, and finally Jason taking me on a picnic date by the water. We talk for what feels like forever until Sadie comes to get us. All of them eating at the hotel with hats and balloons.
"What's this all about?" I say laughing while getting out of Jason's car.
"HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY!" They all shout, laughing and pulling out fireworks.
"Can I talk to you for a second?" Jason grabs my hand and pulls me to the side.
"Yea, but it's almost 8, time for fireworks."
"Oh, this won't take long." We stare into each other's eyes. His butterfly eyes stare at me.
"What did you need me for?" I say breaking the silence.
"Right, Hannah. Do you love me?" Did he just ask that? Do I tell him the truth?
"Jason, of course I love you."
"Perfect, because-" He takes out the chalkboard and starts writing something.
"Hannah!" I hear my name and I turn around. Kitty's pointing at the sky. I mouth, "Ok" and I point to Jason." She smiles and quickly turns. I feel tapping on my back and I look at Jason. I see it. The words he wrote on the chalkboard. 2 words. "Kiss me." And I do. Fireworks. But this time real fireworks.
"HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY!" We all yell with excitement. That's when it hits me. That's what the necklace meant. The secret behind it all. The necklace said that everything I seek will be found. I sought out peace with my grandma's death. Jason and I together with no feelings hurt. All my friends happy. One happy family with Mom and well Dad. Everything I found. Except one, the necklace.
"Excuse me, are you Hannah?" I turn around and the lady from the shop stands there holding my necklace. My mouth opens and I'm confused by how she found it but all I can do is hug her. I turn around and look at the sky. How pretty it looks. Oh, yea. I turn around to thank the lady but she's gone, not a trace of her in sight. On the other hand, how did she get this? Who knows? I think about my grandma. How none of this would have been possible without her, I wonder if she has any more treasures?

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