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Remus was practically bouncing in place, he was fidgeting so much. The others looked at him expectantly, waiting for one of his disturbing comments. After a moment had passed and he stayed silent everyone turned their attention back to the video. As they kept filming Remus continued to fidget. Once the video was over, Logan followed Remus to the mindscape living room.

"Is something troubling you, Remus? You barely said a word and couldn't keep still." Logan asked.

Remus opened his mouth to speak but cringed at his thoughts and quickly closed it. Instead he shook his head and sunk out to his room.

Once inside, he made sure the door was locked. Then he opened his closet door to enter his half of the Imagination. It wasn't dark and murky like most people would think. It was actually quite bright, especially on the occasions that Remus lit things on fire.

The Duke summoned his morning star into his hand and went to the nearest village, allowing himself to go wild. When he was done, instead of houses there were piles of debris and instead of people there were piles of flesh and bones.

He sighed, taking in the sight of his destruction. It was morbidly beautiful, but everything still felt wrong in his mind. He scoffed and trudged back to his room, slamming the closet doors closed with a loud "BANG!".

Remus flopped onto his bed, stuffed his face into the nearest pillow, and screamed. After five minutes he quieted, feeling a bit better. {I don't know how much longer I can take this.} He thought, his intrusive thoughts quickly following up with {[That's what she said!]}

He groaned and pulled at his hair. {Why can't I just be like the other sides?!} was the last thing he thought before drifting into a nightmare-filled sleep.


The next day Remus woke up feeling worse than the day before. He had a headache and was feeling slightly nauseous. When he sat up he felt dizzy but he shrugged it off.

Trying to clear his mind, Remus made his way downstairs for breakfast. Everyone was already up. He contemplated saying good morning but thought better of it. {I don't want one of my thoughts to slip out.} He pulled out a chair, turned it so that the back of the chair was against the table, and sat on it like one would sit on a horse.

Logan, who was seated across from him, simply sighed and shook his head. Patton turned from where he was standing at the stove to look at him.

"Remus! Sit like you're supposed to at the table!" The father figure scolded.

"Aww, but where's the fun in that?" Remus whined, complying anyway and turning his chair back around.

Logan adjusted his glasses and stated, "There isn't supposed to be any fun, Remus. It is proper etiquette."

"Etiquette schmetiquette. I'd rather straddle the chair like I would-"

Virgil quickly cut him off, "Don't even finish that thought."

Remus crossed his arms smugly and cast a glance at Deceit, who purposely avoided eye contact.

"You're just jealous I get more ~action~ than you." The Duke retorted.

Virgil huffed and rolled his eyes. "Am not. I just don't want your nasty comments to ruin my appetite."

{Crap, I didn't mean to let those things slip out. [Like a di-] No!}

Before Remus could say anything else Patton came over with breakfast; eggs, bacon, grits, toast, and sausage. Remus's mind immediately starts to generate inappropriate thoughts about sausage-related things.

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