A Group of Ragtags

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Our story begins on a dark rooftop in Keystone City. A man dressed in a dark green outfit made out of leather and straps. His mask covered most of his face, it created a more spectral atmosphere around the man. He had a thin katakana strapped to is back, along with a quiver but no bow. Rain poured down heavily, and lightning could be seen flashing a few miles away. He looked downwards and saw his target, a Police cruiser with sirens blazing. Two officers sat comfortably inside, munching on donuts and drowning said donuts in a reticules amount of coffee. Just as the cruiser turned the corner, the man sprung his trap. He leaped downwards and landed on said car on one knee, a loud 'THUNK' sound being created. 

"The hell, is it the Bat?" one of the officers could be heard yelling. The clicking of a pistil could be heard, and the passenger seated officer stepped out. An overweight pig who was breathing heavily just from getting out the car. 

"What in the-" the officer was cut off as the masked man quickly unsheathed his katana and sliced the officers throat. The man went to grab his throat as blood began to pour from the newly created wound. Just as the man fell backwards the masked man grabbed the dead mans gun and fired several shots in the air, getting the civilians to scatter like birds. Screams could be heard as men and women moved away from the dimly lit street. 

"Percy you okay?" the other officer asked getting out the vehicle. With quick slice the officers left shoulder was badly bloodied. The officer grabbed his shoulder faulting backwards with a gasp of pain. "Who the hell are you?" the officer asked as reached for his hand. Just before his hand touched the pistol it was stabbed straight through by the katana. The officer fell backwards and slumped against the wall. 

"Does the name (L/N) ring a bell?" the masked man asked looking upwards, as if he was seeing the devil himself. The mans eyes widened in shock upon realising the name. 

"You can't be, we made sure no one could be left, you're, you're-" before the man could finish, he was finished as the blade was lodged in his chest. 

"My name is Prometheus" the masked man said as life left the officers eyes. The masked man now known as Prometheus removed the blade from the officer chest. With a quick twirl in the rain to wash the blood away, Prometheus sheathed his blade before hurrying away. 

He managed to reach a dark alleyway where he went to climb a rusted ladder to get higher ground. Before he could however he heard something, several fully armoured trucks rushed into the alleyway. 

'These aren't cops' Prometheus thought to himself as several heavily armoured men exited the trucks. 

"(Y/N) (L/N) we have you surrounded. Lay down your weapons and get on your hands and knees" a male voice rang from above. A helicopter with a light shining into the alleyway appeared out of nowhere. Hearing his real name said caused (Y/N) to twitch slightly under his mask. 

He examined his surroundings, several men, body armour, carbine assault rifles, and a sniper hanging off the chopper. He had no other choice. 

Without a movement, the katana was dropped to the floor, with his hands raised in the air, Prometheus slung the quiver off his back. Trying to keep the situation calm he knelt down, and placed his hands on the back of his head. As soon as he did this, the armoured men rushed towards him. The first one to reach him pulled Prometheus' hood down, and snatched the mask off. Revealing a man to be in his late twenties, scruffy unshaved face with facial hair growing in patches, (E/C) eyes which burned with hatred.

 The armoured man pulled his rifle back, and hit (Y/N) clean in his face with the butt of the rifle. Knocking the vigilante out cold.

(An Unknown amount of time later)

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