It's the Freaking Bat!

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Batman glided downwards and kicked King Shark in his right shoulder. Shark was forced backwards while Batman flipped, during the flip he kicked Frost and threw one of his Batarangs at Prometheus. Frost was sent to the floor while (Y/N) narrowly avoided the projectile. Batman landed and went in punching Shark forcing the beast back, while Frost picked herself up. 

"It's Batman!" she exclaimed alerting the rest of the squad throughout the room. (Y/N) pulled his bow out and pulled back an electric arrow while Frost aimed that cold gun she was barley holding. She pulled the trigger only to realise that it had no juice, she quickly activated her powers and charged the gun. Both were struggling to get a shot as Batman flipped his way around Shark delivering blows to the man eater. 

Frost fired the cold gun which hit Shark in the head, freezing it entirely. Shark then stumbled backwards. Prometheus fired the arrow, which Batman deflected with his talon gauntlets. A wide arrange of gunfire burst around Batman which he grappled upwards to avoid it. Batman threw several Batarangs at Deadshot, one actually made it's way into one of the gun/gauntlet causing it to explode knocking the assassin back into some boxes. 

Prometheus grunted in annoyance, putting his bow back on his back and pulled out his sword swinging it around. Batman at this point was on the metal walk way above trading blows with Black Spider. Prometheus made his way upwards and joined in the fray. However just before Prometheus could battle with thew Bat, several boomerangs went by his head, one accidentally knocked out Black Spider, and another exploded in Prometheus' face sending him flying backwards off the walk way and crashing into some boxes. 

Batman wrapped a grappling hook around the Captain and pulled the Aussie towards him, the vigilante hit Boomer in the chest sending him to the floor. 

Harley then began laughing insanely, swinging her old giant mallet she found in storage. She swung it like a ninja around her head, behind her back and swung downwards towards Bats. However Batman simply pushed Harley back and the weight of the giant mallet caused to fall. 

Now was (Y/N)'s time. He leaped towards the Bat, blade swinging. His blade clashed with Batman's left gauntlet, he drew sword back and swung to the opposite side, crashing into the right gauntlet. This repeated several, speed increasing with each blow as Prometheus kept up the barrage. Batman actually managed to trap the sword within with the blades of his gauntlets, he then grabbed hold of the blade with flat hands and slowly began turning it. Prometheus struggled against the Bat, both vying control of the sword. Prometheus had enough and dropped the blade, Batman's attention still on the weapon. 

Prometheus then swung kicked the Bat in the head forcing him backwards. Prometheus then raised his fists in a boxer stance, (Y/N) didn't have much hand to hand combat training, but he could at least hold his own.  Prometheus went in swinging trying to deliver a powerful left hook, Batman easily caught the fist however, and picked Prometheus up. He swung Prometheus over his back, leaving the villain to slam into the ground hard. 

Frost then came out of nowhere, using the cold gun to try and freeze Batman. Bats leaped around, a trail of ice following just behind him. He threw a Batarang at the met human which hit her in the head sending her to the ground dripping the cold gun. 

Out of nowhere King Shark barged trough a wooden box screaming. The beast brutally picked up Batman and charged through more wooden boxes, bashing the Caped Crusader against them. 

(Y/N)  pulled his mask off his face, able to breath probably and take his surroundings in. Small drops of sweat littered his face. Moments later he followed Shark and Batman who were currently trading blows. 

Batman was using some electro shock knuckle dusters pushing Shark back. Blow after blow collided with Sharks face, sparks of yellow electricity flew from the buckle dusters with each hit. Batman actually threw the big bastard over his shoulders, the big guy landing on his feet still ready for a fight. As Batman charged at Shark, the convict head butted the vigilante, sending the duster in his right hand flying off somewhere in the distance. Shark then went in jaws chomping, trying to bite off Batman's head, to which the Cape Crusader narrowly avoided each bite. Batman then used his free hand to punch Shark in the face, seemingly stunning the squad member. Batman dove after his electric duster on the floor. 

However Shark went for a kick at Batman which the Gotham Knight caught with his left hand. Totally out of the blue, Batman used the electric duster in his right hand and delivered an electric powered blue straight to King Sharks pearls between his legs. Shark screamed out in pain which every man in a 5 mile radius could probably feel. (Y/N) even backed up slightly as if he could feel the pain. Shark then fell to the ground, out of commission for a while. Before (Y/N) could attack the Bat, a stray rocket from an RPG went by Batman and exploded in the ceiling. Deadshot the one who fired the rocket went to reload however it was too late as the Cape Crusader was upon him. 

The two prepared to engage in an exchange of blows the whole room began to collapse. Bits of wood and metal from the roof started to collapse due to that rocket. The entire squad began to panic and back their way towards the way they came in. (Y/N) joined them as he sheathed his sword. Black Spider however tackled Batman from behind and readied a knife to stab the Bat. No-one could see what happened as more ruble fell from the ceiling. 

The squad just barley made it, black dust followed them as they all dived towards the entrance. (Y/N) and Frost however landed on their feet, both looked at each other and nodded, sneaking away from the rest of the squad towards the intensive treatment area, towards the Riddler. However as the two turned the corner they heard Harley say out loud;

"Black Spider just kicked the Bats ass" her voice sounding impressed. 

The duo of Prometheus and Killer Frost made their way through the corridors, taking out one or two guards along the way. Went they got to the cell area containing Riddler there was only guard, Prometheus nodded at Frost and he crouched slowly making his way over. Without being detected Prometheus got the guard in a choke hold, the guard tried to fight his out, however his screams were muffled by a hand, eventually his body went limp and he was knocked out. The two then walked in front of Riddler's cell, who was laying on his bed reading a book with the simple title of 'Riddles' on the front with a green cover. 

When he noticed the two he closed his eye, "I knew Waller would send someone" he then sat up his back facing the duo. "I'm too clever for her to let me live". 

"Nothing gets past you genius " Frost then froze the bars to the cell, which crumbled to the floor leaving for the pair to step into the cell. "You want this one?" she asked (Y/N) who stepped forward. 

"It would be my pleasure" he then drew his sword ready to complete his mission. Riddler shifted in his seat nervously. 

"Do you even know why you're assassinating me?" he asked as the sword was just underneath his chin. 

"Waller wanted to make an example out of you" (Y/N) said as Frost leaned against the wall. 

"And that satiated your curiosity?" he sounded weirdly excited. 

"We don't ask questions" Frost answered from behind (Y/N). 

"I don't believe that" the target said still excited. "The human mind always has questions" this seemed to tick Frost as she stormed forward and grabbed Riddler by the throat, ice slowly making its way through her arm to his throat. 

"My only question is why Waller didn't just blow your head off your nano bomb?" ice now covered Riddler's throat. 

His breath was seen indicating his situation, "It's the same reason she needs me dead"

"And that would be?" (Y/N) questioned as he lowered his sword. 

"I know how to defuse the bombs" he answered a smile plastered on his face. 

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