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There are two types of people in the world. Those who make money and those who earn money. Most people earn the money they have from working at a job like fast food, cleaning, or it can come from the most unusual source. Maybe even dark as one would put it. In Dipper Pines's case, it was just that.

Studying Journalism at UC Berkeley Dipper finds himself in a financial nightmare. Someone hacked into his banking account and robbed his entire funding. What's even worse he had to pay his usual fee of $2,500 for his housing, food card, and parking pass all due by the end of the month. Which was ten days away. On top of that his whole tuition was $45,000 and most of the jobs on campus were already taken. Dipper was in despair.

"Aw dude that sucks!" his friend spoke as he was paying for their lunch.

"I know man, I'm screwed!" Dipper replied in frustration. They walked over to a table to sit and eat.

"I wish I could help you out but I can only give you a thousand" his friend offered to help. Dipper sighed and looked at his friend with gratitude in his eyes.

"Thanks, man but it's okay. Hopefully, if I explain the situation they can give me another extension" Dipper muttered.

"I don't know man usually this place is pretty strict. You got lucky the first time" his friend regretfully informs. Dipper groans in frustration as he lays his head loudly on the table.

"Face it I'm in deep shit" he moans under his breathe.

Little did the pair realize that someone overheard their conversation and smirked at the opportunity. Heels clicked on the floor as the sound drew close to Dipper's ears. The sound of a hand slamming on the table catches Dipper's attention. He looks up to see a woman who had an edgy look. Attractive, and full of confidence in her smug little grin.

"Hey boys I couldn't help but overhear your conversation. You in need of some help?" She spoke while looking in Dipper's direction.

"Who are you?" Dipper wondered.

"I know who you are Dipper I'm surprised you don't remember me" she smirked as Dipper took a closer look. Then it hit him. It was Pyronica, from Gravity Falls.

"Pyronica is that you?!" Dipper said sounding surprised. She giggled in the delight at Dipper's realization.

"It has been a long time. Listen Dipper you need money right? Well, I just happen to have a job opening for you as a waiter at a club" she simply puts. Dipper raised an eyebrow in curiosity.

"Is that so?" he spoke with some doubt in his tone.

She nodded as she gave him her business card. Dipper took the card and it seems pretty legitimate but he wasn't sure he wanted to take any advice from someone who use to bully him. He was skeptical.

"The job pays double than the normal wage and it's only on weekends so it won't interfere much with school. You interested?~" her offered started to sound tempting and Dipper at this point was desperate.

A little voice was telling him that he was going to regret this. However, what can Dipper do? He has next to no options and the job pays more. It would help him get out of debt fast. He looks up to Pyronica and regretfully sighs.

"I will take it" he muttered to her. She smiles and reaches her hand out.

"Wonderful! Meet me in the parking lot on Friday at 7:30 pm I will take you there" she says as Dipper shakes her hand.

"See you then" Dipper uttered. She chuckles happily as she turns around and walks away.

Dippers' friend was a bit confused about what just happened but was stoked for Dipper getting a job. However, what was about to come next would change Dipper and his morals forever.

On Friday, Dipper arrived at the meeting point to catch a ride with Pyronica to his new job. She shows up and informed him that the club wasn't far, so he followed her. Walking to an abandoned part of the campus she stops in front of a wall. Dipper was super confused he thought he was going to a club, then she lifts up a stone to reveal a key code pad. Dippers' stomach starts to drop. Inputting the code the wall opens up to reveal a blue neon-lit staircase. It shocked him.

"This way~" she grins as she invites Dipper inside.

Okay, this must be an exclusive club he thought. He froze for a moment then finally took some steps. The moment he and Pyronica entered, the wall closed. As they are going down the stairs Dippers' hand began to sweat and his nerves were sky-high. As they reached the door they could hear the sound of upbeat club music and a bit of moaning?

She unlocks the door and turns to Dipper with a smirk.

"Welcome to your new job" she opens the door and Dipper is shocked by the sight.

The entire space was laid out like a strip club. Black velvet booths, a golden stage with a pole, a bar with layers of alcohol, led lights around the space, and all the workers were half-naked. They weren't just females either, it was a mix. Pyronica instructs Dipper to follow and unfortunately, he does.

As they are walking Dipper couldn't believe the atmosphere. Even tho Dipper has been to a strip club before this was different. It like was a strip club crossed with a BDSM dungeon. He could see people looking at him with smirks and temptation in their eyes. It made Dipper tremble. Walking up a small flight of stairs they reach a door with the word 'Boss' on it written in bold letters. Pyronica knocks on the door.

"Enter" a voice from the other side spoke. She opens the door and instructs Dipper to sit in the chair close to the desk.

"Sir, I've brought in a new recruit" Pyronica spoke proudly and with a smile. Before Dipper even had a chance to speak the gold and black chair turns around and Dipper is frozen in shock.

"Bill?" Dipper muttered as Bill chuckles.

"The one and only kiddo" Bill says as he takes a hit from his cigarette.

Dipper couldn't believe it, Bill Cipher was sitting in that chair and running this club. Dippers' body feels a quick jolt as Bill stares deeply into his eyes.

"Well well well if it isn't my old friend Pinetree. Fancy seeing you here" Bill states with a grin.

"W-what is this place?" Dipper wondered as he stuttered.

"A club. My club. For desperate souls like yourself" Bill explains.

"But why?" Dipper was still very dumbfounded. Bill lets out a small sigh.

"Simple. They work to pay off their debts and I get to enjoy watching them slowly slip into an unconditional madness. While making mountains of cash on top of that" Bill chuckles as he takes another hit of his cigarette.

Sitting in the chair Dipper had realized that he should have listened to the voice in his head. It never doubted him. However, he allowed his desperate nerves to take control and block out the rational voice. Now he is staring into the eyes of the beast as the feeling of invisible chains began to wrap around his neck. Making him speechless and choked up.

"Welcome to The Triangle Club" Bill smirks as the sound of malicious chuckles filled the air.

This was the start of what Bill called it, unconditional madness. 

BillDip AU: The Triangle ClubWhere stories live. Discover now