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“Love is when you are are kept up all night thinking of him and then when you fall asleep you find him in your dreams. Anonymous”

Ava's pov

I have been trying to concentrate for a long time but the scene at the kitchen kept replaying in my head. I flipped the pages of my book with the hope of catching something of fancy that will tear my attention away. I looked at Isabelle who was sleeping peacefully and thought about joining her but the moment I laid down I felt itchy and got up again. I decided to read about radiotherapy, I mean any time I have trouble concentrating I turn to something complicated to help me think. But the problem is I didn't come with my text book, I didn't know it will come in handy.

I needed to get my book from my room, I can't afford to see him and I can't afford to keep thinking about him either. I checked the time it was 1:am,  probably he is sleeping and possibility of him awake is too slim, if I consider how weak his body will be.

With the final determination I got up and headed to my room. I first peeked inside to make sure he was asleep before tiptoeing inside towards my mini bookshelf.

I picked the book I needed with a sigh of relief before getting up and tiptoe towards the door.

"Enough I sensed you even before you came in."
I paused my steps but didn't turn to look at him.

"What do you mean you sensed me?"

"Your scent." Okay I was even more confused how can he even do that. I wanted to walk out but I felt him seize my wrist and pulled me on the bed towards him.

I was shocked, I didn't expect this impact. "What the hell are you up to." I struggled but he flipped us over so that he could hover above me.

"What do you want from me, why will you sneak into my room at the early hours of the morning."

"Sneak into your room? This is my room OK, I get in when ever I fucking feel like." I was angry at myself for liking the feeling of his hot breath on my face.

"Really? It's your room I agree but I now stay here so tell me what you want."

"Did you forget you are a patient I saved from the clutches of death and sacrificed my room for you."

"But you also agreed till my people come to get me I can stay here and you were the same person that said I mustn't step out of this house."

"Enough!" I shouted, I'm really losing it. "Let me go."

He smirked at me and smiled mischievously. I didn't expect what he did next or was my body prepared for the sudden shock.
HE KISSED ME! he captured my lips and kissed for with so much passion and force. I was lost, I didn't know how to react. My little angel was screaming to push him off, slap him and walk out but the little devil in me wanted all of him. He taste so good and a hot kisser too, I was in the land of bliss when I felt his little man tightening and getting harder. He was pressed directly on my crotch and I felt myself needing his touch.

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