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“Sometimes two people have to fall apart to realise how much they need to fall back together.”

Ava's pov

When I saw him I was too happy and seeing him chatting freely with my friends made me excited and a little bit jealous too.

For two months, each night I dream about him and it was all about doing crazy things with him that I will wake up sweaty and needing a man desperately.

I didn't know if it was a curse but I enjoyed them all, everything I felt in the dream but I didn't like the part of feeling too void and needing a man's touch.

I know I wanted him, I needed him, maybe he was truly my soulmate because since he left I became so empty and felt bored with my friends.

They teased me a lot about him and I know I couldn't deny them, I had fantasies about him and I wanted him to fill every hole in me, I know I wanted him in the deepest part of my body.

But I rejected him because I feared what he is. I couldn't accept that and I was always afraid maybe one day he was going to be the animal he is and tear me apart.

Seeing him standing there I couldn't take my eyes off him, he was so handsome and I fell for him all over again, well I never stopped falling for him.

When he requested for lunch I was happy and wanted my friends to let us be alone because I know I may end up being jealous.

I was happy sitting beside him but with him here I felt a lot more empty, I wanted a hug, I wanted someone to sooth the pains I feel now, most importantly I wanted him to do it.

He kept asking me what was wrong but I couldn't say it, what should I say, that I wanted him.
I've already turned him down once and I don't know how he will feel now.

I wasn't just missing him but i was also missing everyone who left me during my childhood, everything I've lost and everyone I've cherished.

When he hugged me, I lost it all. That was what I've been waiting for all this while and now I was in his embrace but I didn't know why I began to cry.

Was it his voice reassuring me or consoling me, or was it when he asked me to let it all out.

I cried, I let it all out on him and he let me cry. When I got tired he raised my head and cleaned my tears.

"Are you okay?"

I shook my head. "I miss my family."

"Your family?"

I nodded. "I lost my parents when I was 14 in a car accident, my younger brother died trying to get a heart transplant. I am just sad no one is here to celebrate with me."

"But I'm here and I am here to celebrate with you."

"You don't understand." There is a bond with blood, I miss them so much now or maybe because I feel so void. I haven't stepped foot in my house after my brother died and my uncle took over everything, he was nice but his wife wasn't so I decided to leave and I found solace with my friends.

For so many years I've focused on my dream, even if I couldn't become a heart surgeon I still wanted to save lives like that of my brother.

"I may not understand but I want to be here for you when you feel any difficulty."

I looked up at him.
"Did you come back specifically for today."

"No I miss you that's why I came."

Mate: Fated to love you (18+)Where stories live. Discover now