Brought a Friend to Our Date

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It was late afternoon when Jorge rushed into the mess hall. He stood out being a frazzled mess while the rest of the campers relaxed, chatting idly in small groups and snacking on graham crackers. His curls tossed left and right as he searched the room for his friend. He spotted her nestled in a corner behind the pool table with a large book in her hands. He ran up to her.

"Tiffany! I need your help!" Jorge exclaimed. He hunched over and rested his hands on his knees.

"I'm busy," Tiffany said, not looking up from her book on rare butterflies.

"You have to help me find Xander and Emma," Jorge said. He yanked the book from her hands and clutched it to his chest. "It's an emergency."

"If you don't give me back my book, you're going to have an emergency," Tiffany said through her teeth.

Jorge refused to let go of the book and stepped around the pool table. "But it's about Lou's date," he said.

Tiffany raised an eyebrow as she stood up from the bench. "With Will?" she asked. She crossed her arms and leaned back on her heel. "What did you do?"

Jorge dug the toe of his sneaker into the rug on the floor. "I got a little too excited during arts and crafts." He loosened the book in his grip. "And it'll kinda be my fault if the date's ruined cause of something I did." He handed Tiffany her book back. "Will you please help me find Xander and Emma?"

"Did you check the Spot?" Tiffany asked as she tucked the book beneath her arm. She grimaced and added, "They're usually there."

"First place I looked. And I've looked everywhere!" He stuck out his bottom lip and pressed his hands together beneath his chin. "Please help me."

Tiffany sighed and rolled her eyes. She walked towards the entry door and Jorge cheered as he followed behind her.

"I'm only helping because I care about Lou's date," Tiffany said over her shoulder. "How exactly did you ruin it anyway?"

" started when I made Ravi a friendship bracelet..."

"Of course, Ravi was there. Now that he's a counselor too, they're always hanging out. They plan more activities to lead together than Emma and Xander do and those two clowns are going out."

"Exactly! And he's the one that was standing too close beside her. So, it's really his fault!"

"What did you do, Jorge?"

On the other side of camp, Emma and Xander had returned from their mountain hike with the campers from Badger cabin. They sat on the edge of the dock and watched the campers splash in the water to cool off from the hike. Emma leaned back on her palms. The sun glinted in her sunglasses before she turned to her boyfriend.

"How do you think Lou's date's going?"

"It doesn't matter," Xander said. "She won't go out with him again."

"Why would you say that, Xander? Will's a nice guy."

"Sure, Will's awesome. That's why I agreed to take his campers on the hike and watch 'em while he's off-duty."

"Okay...but you say she won't go out with him again."

"She won't." Xander wiggled his toes in the water. "Lately Lou's hated every guy that she's gone out with. She's always like, 'This one's too manly' or 'This one's not manly enough' or 'This one's too tall' or 'This one's too buff,' he said in a high-pitched voice.

"Okay, okay, I get your point," Emma said, rubbing her ears. "But maybe Will's different?"

"He'll probably be 'too chill' or 'not chill enough'."

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