Love and Light

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Rain and wind whipped against the side of Grizzly cabin. All camp activities were postponed when the storm rolled in an hour ago. Thunder and branches scraping against the window panes had been sounding off ever since. Ravi noticed some water pooling under the front door. He grabbed a towel from the bathroom and packed it in the space between the door and cabin floor.

Jorge was sprawled out on a bean bag chair near their bunks. He was the one most upset about the spontaneous thunderstorm. After spending two days in the infirmary with a stomach bug, the kid had been determined to make up for lost time with an epic kickball game. Ravi and Xander had to practically carry Jorge back to the cabin once Gladys announced the severe thunderstorm warning. Griff had tried to console him by offering to play a card game, but Jorge refused and dropped down to the bean bag chair where he continued to sulk.

Tiffany, Zuri, Emma, and Lou had all decided to hangout in Grizzly cabin until the weather cleared. Emma, of course, always wanted to spend time with her boyfriend, Xander. Zuri was happy to spend time with her crush, Griff. Lou never needed an excuse to hang out with Ravi. And Tiffany tolerated them all.

"Ughhhhh! It's taking forever," Jorge complained. His arm was dramatically draped over his glasses. "I hate the rain!"

Tiffany, sitting on the edge of Xander's bunk, nudged Jorge with the toe of her sock. "You're supposed to be solving this riddle book with me," she said. She waved the flimsy paperback in the air. "You've been whining more than helping."

"But now I'm too bored to do anything!" Jorge said. He rolled over onto his stomach on the bean bag and let his curls fall over his glasses. "Stupid rain."

"Why do I even bother with you," Tiffany muttered as she crossed her arms and walked over to the other side of the cabin.

"Cause you like me," Jorge joked as he held back his curls and wiggled his eyebrows at her.

Tiffany yanked a pillow off of Griff's bunk and chucked it at Jorge. Griff and Zuri, who were playing Go Fish at the small table at the center of the cabin, laughed at their friends.

"Tiffany likes you about as much as she likes getting diarrhea," Zuri teased.

Jorge scrunched his nose and stuck his tongue out at Zuri.

Tiffany's face heated as she shifted her gaze to Griff. She said to him in a nervous panic, "I never get diarrhea!"

Zuri snorted and said, "Everyone gets diarrhea. The food here sucks."

Xander chuckled from his spot on his bunk. When they had all first gathered into Grizzly cabin, Xander had offered to play a song for Emma on his guitar. She had voted yes, but everyone else had voiced their annoyance and so he settled for painting his girlfriend's fingernails.

"Careful," Emma said to Zuri. "Xander's brush isn't steady when he's laughing." She held the open bottle of nail polish in her free hand. She was settled comfortably against his headboard wearing a pair of warm, fuzzy socks that she'd borrowed from Ravi. Her muddy sneakers had been abandoned by the front door.

Griff sat his cards down on the table and asked Xander, "Dude, why are you painting her fingernails?"

"I'm good at it," Xander shrugged. He held up her hand closer to his eyes. "This should dry nicely. Do you want those designs from last time?"

Emma's face lit up with a smile. She nodded enthusiastically. Xander kissed her nose and Emma let out a content sigh as her heart skipped a beat.

"Their love is just so beautiful," Lou cooed from her place by the large window.

She had contemplated what would be the best spot to get cozy when the group had all gathered inside. There was a comfy looking quilt that had been disregarded on top of an old trunk under the window. She had figured it would be a nice place to watch the rain. She had sat on the quilt and stared out the window as her friends chattered behind her. Not long after, Ravi had joined her. The old trunk was his and was filled with books he had shipped to camp.

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