Little Sister

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Ravi was sweeping the mess hall after lunch when his younger sister, Zuri, walked into the building. He paused and looked up when she sat down on the bench across from him. The sunlight caught in the sparkly earrings she wore and he immediately recognized the diamonds.

Tilting the broom to one hand, he asked in a tattletale tone, "Does Emma know you are wearing her favorite earrings?"

Zuri picked at her freshly painted fingernails, which were shiny rainbow colors with a unicorn design on her middle finger. "Does Xander know that you started wearing his cologne as a stupid way to attract girls?" she replied in a bored tone.

"It is not his cologne," Ravi scoffed. He held tightly to the broom, looking down at the dirty floor, and mumbled, "It is a similar cologne that I purchased."

"Uh huh," she said as she crossed her sandals at the ankle. "Hurry up so you can chaperon."

He lifted his gaze and bunched his eyebrows. He said, "Well I was unaware that I had plans."

"I figured you'd be annoying if I asked ahead of time." Zuri stood up and loosely crossed her arms. "So, hurry, hurry."

Ravi was about to argue, but he stopped when Griff casually walked into the mess hall. The Grizzly camper was wearing the beanie that Ravi remembered Zuri bringing from New York. Griff tucked his hands into the pockets of his jeans and turned his back to his counselor in order to face Zuri.

"Is he ready to go?" Griff asked as Zuri.

Zuri let out a breath and rolled her eyes. "You know how he is."

"He is right here and he has yet to be brought up to speed on what exactly is going on," Ravi huffed. He balanced the broom against one of the tables and then let it go so he could cross his arms.

Griff slowly turned on his heels and then raised his eyebrow at Ravi. He said, "So that's a no?"

Ravi pursed his lips and gave them both stern looks. Griff returned the look with an amused smile, and Zuri looked simultaneously bored and annoyed.

"Gladys' rules say we need a counselor to go into town," Zuri explained.

"Which we would have ignored if Lou hadn't caught us," Griff added.

Zuri tapped at her expensive watch. "Now hurry up, Cinderella, and ditch the broom. The movie starts in half an hour. Besides, this floor is so dirty; sweeping it is useless."

Griff scrunched his nose and scuffed the toe of his sneaker against the hardwood floor.

With genuine shock in his voice, Ravi said, "Whoa, wait a minute. You two are going on a date?"

Zuri and Griff looked at each other with goofy smiles and then looked blankly at Ravi. He furrowed his brow at the two of them and shook his head.

"I thought you broke up at the end of last summer?"

"We did," Zuri said with a light shrug. "It was the end of summer."

"But now it's summer again," Griff said. He looked over to Zuri and then reached out for her hand, which she accepted. He swung their interlocked fingers for a moment before turning back to Ravi. He added as if it were the most obvious thing in the world, "Duh."

Zuri rolled her eyes and said to Griff, "He's been this clueless my whole life."

Ravi gasped and pressed his hand to his chest. "Rude!" Confusion was still etched in his features. "And I still do not understand. Why must I chaperon if it seems as though Lou is aware of your movie date. You said she caught you. Is she not available to take you two?"

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