Chapter 12 Firey Pain

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I kept crawling until I ended up in a bedroom with no windows, just my luck..I started to crawl back when I was roughly picked up and shoved against a wall. I was face to face with that stupid weakling bandit that escaped Deidara and Tobi. Sadly I was weaker than he was, especially in this situation..

"You little bitch! You set the fire while your friends killed my comrades!"

"To be fare here...I placed the explosives and my...'Friend' exploded them." I said laughing nervously as best as I could and he glared at me.

"Normally in a situation like this with a woman, I'd rip her clothes off, fuck her mercilessly then slit her throat; but in your case I'm going to kill you slowly and brutally." The bandit said and tossed me across the room.

My face held a bit of shock and fear, but it all turned to pain when I was kicked harshly in the ribs making me scream in pain and cough up blood. I turned to lay on my back hugging my ribs and the man sat on me and started punching me in the face. I tried to stop him by grabbing one of his hands, but it didn't take long for him to retrieve it.

He started choking me, making me grab onto his wrists and trying to get loose. The fear in my eyes grew as I imagined the bandit as my father. My dad had strangled me only two times in my life and both times my brother was able to get him off me. I wanted to scream but I couldn't, I wanted to cry but I held the tears in since my body needed that water.

All I could do is watch in horror as I die slowly. Suddenly a bit of the roof came down and I saw a black cloak with red clouds. I gasped for air when the man was removed from me. When I got my breath back I saw Deidara holding the bandit by the throat with one hand, holding him against the wall.

"So one coward escaped hm. Can't let there be any survivors." Deidara said and took out a kunai knife.

I watched as Deidara plunged it through the bandit's heart, killing him. I was a bit afraid but then again, the bandit deserved it. Not for hurting me but for doing all those things to those poor women. Deidara dropped the bandit to the floor then looked over at me.

"Are you alright un?"

"Just peachy..." I said softly glaring at him.

Of course I wasn't 'alright' I was just being choked to death after taking a pounding from that fatso! Not to mention I couldn't walk because of the pain in my legs from those fiery boards landing on me.

"What happened to your legs?"

"Part of the roof came down on m-" I started to say but was cut off by my coughs.

The hide out was still on fire and I had inhaled more smoke than I had thought. The fire so got to the room me and Deidara were in and I went into a coughing fit. Deidara's cloak caught on fire and he quickly tossed it off him.

"We have to get out of here now un!" Deidara yelled but I was still coughing.

My vision was getting blurry and I felt like passing out. I was praying to the dear gods and goddesses that I wouldn't. I was sick and tired of passing out all the time! Deidara quickly picked me up bridal style and jumped up from the hole in the roof he made when he first entered the room.

We landed on one of his birds and quickly flew away from all of the burning buildings, then when we were far enough, Deidara jumped off and walked over to Tobi, but before he could get to Tobi, sure enough, I lost consciousness.

***Three days later***

I was in the medical room. The smoke was cleared from my lungs and the burns on my legs were healed. I had a small almost unnoticeable scar on my head from where one of the wood chips hit me, but the one that scratched my cheek healed up nicely. My ribs were a bit bruised from the pounding I took from that bandit and for some reason I didn't have any bruises on my face from when he punched me.

I was kept in the med room until I was able to walk without pain shooting through my legs. My attention turned to the door when I heard it open.

"What do you want Tobi? If it's about making fun of Deidara or training you can forget about it. I'm still in pain."

"I know that, and it's becoming a problem. We won't be going on anymore missions until you can learn how to defend yourself."

"Terrific, now can you leave me to sleep already?"

"I have something I need to tell you first."

"What is it?"

"I have to go away for a little while so I won't be able to protect you from Deidara."

'Oh fuck me...'


Mesa swy it's short! I promise the next one will be longer though, and hold a bit of romance ;)


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