(5) "Truce?"

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Two weeks had gone by Bucky was still unemployed all over the papers and social media with his hotel heiress best friend and her friends. But in the back of his mind he was still trying to figure out how to make things right with Shelby. 

It was Tuesday morning in late October when Shelby was getting ready for work. As she was pulling her shoes on there was a knock at the door. When she looked through her peephole she saw a delivery guy. 

She opened the door. 

"Dr Shelby Baxter?" The guy said 

"Yes.." she said as he hands her a dozen white roses. 

"Here you go." He said and left. 

She shut the door very confused. It wasn't her birthday and she knew no one in her family would send flowers randomly. So she pulled the card

"Truce? James Barnes" 

"Fucking Barnes is sending me flowers.." she said to herself 

She went on back to bathroom to finish getting ready. That night after her shift was over she went by the Barnes office building. James seen her as he was coming through the lobby.

"Shelby doll what are you doing here?" He said 

"I was looking for your son. He sent me flowers for no reason I mean I'm sure it's just another way of apologizing." She said 

"Honey he doesn't work here anymore. I let him go a month ago..he lives in the city if you want I can give you the address." James said 

"Oh no that's fine.." she said 

"Okay..well if you change your mind call me or Winnie. Have a good night." James said as they walked out together. 

The next day she had just finished up a surgery when one of her interns came up to her. 

"Front desk paged you they said you have a package." 

"Thanks." She said as she finished her post opt notes. 

After she spoke with the family she went by the front desk.

"Here you go Dr Baxter.." the nurse handed her a red box. 

Shelby went up to her office and sat down at her desk. She pulled the card out of the envelope after she lifted the lid to reveal chocolate covered strawberries. 

"Dinner with me on Saturday? Please let me make this up to you. -James" 

She rolled her eyes. 

When she got another minute of free time she called Winnie. Winnie gave her Bucky's contact info. That night as Bucky was watching sports center puffing a cigar and drinking bourbon he saw his phone was buzzing. 

"Hello.." he said 

"You know if you are trying to ask someone to dinner and apologizing you might want to leave a contact number." She said 

"Who is this?" He said 

She rolled her eyes at her ceiling. "Shelby.." she said 

"Oh..sorry." He said 

After a few minutes of silence. "So is you calling to tell me that you are going to accept my dinner invitation?" He said 

She swallowed hard. "If I don't..are you just going to keep sending me things till I say yes.." she said 

"Maybe.." he said 

"Then I guess I'll go. I'm on call Saturday so no alcohol for me." She said 

"Okay..well I'll pick you up around 6." He said 

"Okay..I'm gonna go now bye." She said and hung up. 

Bucky whispered "bye." as he threw his phone back on the coffee table. 


Saturday night was finally here. Shelby went another route for her outfit this time around. She wore pants and heels with a tank top and a blazer. She straightened out her hair when she was spraying on her perfume he knocked. 

She opened the door to reveal him in a button down with no tie and black jeans and a cream colored dress coat. 

"Hi.." he said

"Hi.." she said as she shut the door behind her. 

They went to a steakhouse where they had steak and lobster. She ordered herself some water and a slice of lemon. The conversation still hit dead ends but at least he got her to come is all he kept thinking. After dinner and dessert they were headed back to her apartment. 

When the driver parked in front of her place. 

"So um..when is your next night off?" He said 

"In two weeks why?" She said 

"I would like to take you out again..if you'll let me." He said 

"I um I guess so." She said 

He scooted closer to her he gently kissed her lips. She began to kiss back holding his hand on her hip so it wouldn't go anywhere else. He moaned with their tongues began to fight dominance. He gently pulled away.

"I had to stop..just call me now that you have my number and let me know when the day is. Good night Shelby." He said 

"Goodnight." She said as she got out of the car. 

When he got back to his apartment Bradley was there. 

"There you are. Where have you been?" Bradley said 

"I took Shelby to dinner.." he said as he unlocked the door. 

"As in Jill and Thomas' daughter." Bradley said as he followed him inside. 

"Yeah." He said

"I thought she wasn't your type." Bradley said 

"She isn't..but she's an amazing kisser." Bucky said 

"Okay..dad did say she came by the office looking for you earlier this week. Something about you sending her flowers."  Bradley said 

"I did. Mom never mentioned that she was the daughter of Jill and Thomas just that she was setting me up." He said as he went to change. 

"I hope you aren't playing a game little brother." Bradley said 

"I'm not.." Bucky said as he came back out of his bedroom. 

"The game is about to start.." Aiden said as he came through the door with beers and pizzas. 

The three brothers went into Bucky's theatre room to watch the Giants game. 

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