(15) A Snowy Proposal

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A year later 

It was New Year's Eve Bucky surprised Shelby with a Christmas gift and that was he took her to Paris. They left the night of Christmas Day they had to make a pit stop in London cause he had to take care of some business things. After spending some time in London they made their way to Paris. 

Despite all the snow they still able to sight see and enjoy their winter getaway. Bucky spoiled her with all the wine and dining. Now that it was New Year's Eve they were on the Eiffel Tower watching all the festivities happen below. Just before midnight Bucky turned her around. 

"Shelby Layne I love you whole heartedly. You saved me and you continue to save me. I don't want to lose you and I don't want to imagine a world without you in it. I want to give you the world baby. Give you babies give you the love you deserve. I told you baby you aren't cursed cause your Prince Charming is right here in front of you. You just had to clean him up. So Shelby Layne will you marry me?" He said as he dropped to one knee. 

He opened up the box to reveal a big diamond ring. She wiped tears and looked at him. "Yes.." she said as she shook her head yes as she was in shock. 

"You okay?" He whispered as he stood back up and kissed her. 

"Yeah I'm just..this was the last thing I expected when you said Paris. But I love you and I love this ring." She whispered 

"I also got you a chain to put it on when you have surgeries to do."he said as he held her waist. 

"You are amazing." She said as she kissed him. 

"Mm I try baby." He whispered 

As they watched the fireworks as the clock struck midnight in Paris. He whispered "Happy New Year baby.." he said in her ear. 

"Happy New Year.." she said with a smile. 

"And when we get back..we are going to make us a baby." He said 

She looked at him. "You know I already froze some eggs..I just need.." she said

"You need me to make them babies." He said 

"Yes.." she said 

"I know we have discussed this a thousand times baby. And I know you have 6 frozen eggs we will make us babies. I told you that it doesn't bother me." He said as he smashed their foreheads together. 

She smiled at him as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "I love you James Buchanan.." she whispered 

"I love you Shelby Layne Baxter." He said as they stood there. 

When they returned home to the states they gathered all their friends and family over at his parents house. Everyone was gathered in the living room eating appetizers and drinking wine. Bucky tapped his glass to get everyone's attention. 

Everyone stopped talking and looked at him. "Thank you. Me and Shelby have an announcement." He said 

"She's pregnant?" Bradley said 

"Bradley no.." Bucky said 

"What? We went on a trip to the ski resort in Vermont you two are a bunch of horn dogs." Bradley said as his one year old daughter sat on his lap. 

"Shush!" Shelby said 

"Anyways..our announcement is we are engaged. I proposed to Shelby in Paris.." he said 

Everyone around the room was all smiles audible gasps were heard. Everyone came over to congratulate them and the women gushed over the ring. Bradley pulled Bucky aside.

"Dude what condoms are you using?" He said 

"Bradley.." Bucky said 

"What? Do you need to get checked did all the drugs affect your sperm." Bradley said 

Bucky rolled his eyes. "No Shelby has a condition that makes it harder for her to get pregnant you dumbass. Not everyone is fertile myrtles bro." Bucky said 

"Oh..oh god I'm sorry. So what does that mean? No babies for you all unless you adopt?" Bradley said 

"It's an option. But she is able to do IVF..I'll explain more later.." he said as he went to get another beer. 

Bucky found Shelby with his mom and her mom who was already planning an engagement party and already trying to decide who had a better wedding planner. Jill and Winnie had always hoped they would grow up to be family one day now they were over the moon that it was finally happening.

James stopped Bucky and Shelby from going out the back door. 

"I'm proud of you son. In the last year you have really shown me that you have grown. And to you Ms Shelby thank you for saving my son and helping us with repairing our relationship." James said 

"Thanks dad." Bucky said 

"You are welcome James" she said 

They went out on the back porch to get some air. 

"Do you want to get married first before we do it or do you want to go ahead and do it?" He said

"I want a baby now.." she said as tears fell. 

"Hey hey no don't do this again. Baby hey look at me..if you don't want to wait we will get an appointment and do it before the wedding. I don't care.." he said as he held her waist. 

"Okay.." she said as she looked up at him. 

He kissed her. "I have always told you that I don't care how we have to do it." He said as he kissed her neck. He began to suck. 

"James family in..sss ide." She whispered out as he continued to suck. He backed against her the porch railing. She felt his cold hands slid up her shirt and he began squeezing and massaging her breasts. 

"Uncle James..Gigi is looking for you.." Bucky's 11 year old nephew Knox said 

Bucky let go of her neck. "Thanks Knox." He said as they went inside. 

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