Chapter 5: Ken Doll

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This itches like a bitch. I want to scratch my wrists. They have gone red and sore, due to the constriction of the cuffs. "KAYLA!" I call out to her. Fucking come in here and give me something for this shit. "Yeah," she walks in with my dinner. I realised, she's quite bony. "What is it?" She places my food on the table with a pack of plastic knife and folk. "I need some ointment, for this." I move my wrist about and she looks taken back. "You did this to me, you don't hurt people that you love, Kayla." I seethe at her." I'm sorry, Neo," she bends her knees and pouts her quivering lips. I can see real tears in her eyes, she must be boomed about the divorce and maybe some other shit.

"I think you should let me go," I suggest. "No," she shakes her head. "You're not leaving me too Neo. Not now. I need you," she touches her heart. " I don't want you, I don't fucking love you. Can't you see that, Kayla!" I rage at her, I am losing my shit now. She's fucking delusional to think this is all real and we'll live together all happy and shit. "I know you don't." She stamps her foot and pouts her lips with a deep scowl on her face. "But you will love me, eventually, no matter how much you deny it." She says with confidence and determination. "I am the girl of your dreams, Neo." She vomits her feelings at me. I am looking at her like she's lost the fucking plot. "I have been crazy, and have been since I met you." A gushing smile forms on her lips. That's an understatement I am wondering, as gape at her. "I know it sounds crazy or like I am obsessed. I guess I am. I love you Neo, and I know, you will fall in love with me too. You can fight me all you like, but me and you will be together, just for this one Summer."

I don't even know what to say to that. She's fucking loony, to think I will love her. I never do what I am told. I was born for disobedient. If she thinks she can change my mind, she better think again. "It's just a little while that I am stealing you from the world, for myself." She suddenly pikes up. "STEAL?" I raise my voice. "You KIDNAPPED ME!" "Yeah, just so we can be together, for a while." She explains herself. "This is fucked up. You're being selfish, Kayla." I state. "I need to leave, I have a life and you are keeping me as a prisoner." "I am not, honey." She frowns her face. "Then what the fuck are these?" I shake the damn handcuffs like crazy. "YOU NEED TO LET ME GO!" I bark at her. "NO!" she snaps back. "YOU'RE STAYING UNTIL I SAY YOU CAN GO! Got that!" She points her bony finger at me. "FUCK NO!" I bellow at her, my face goes deep red out of anger. None bosses me about. I'm fucking sick of this shit. "Kayla, you know what? When that time comes, watch what I do to you!" I threaten her with an angry glare.

"Honey, don't say that." She covers her face with her hands out of fear. "I will, I will hurt you so bad, Kayla." I don't promise her though. Because I only make promises that I keep, they mean something to me. "No you won't. You will be in love with me by then. I know it!" She nods her head with confidence. "You need help, seriously." I watch her step closer to the door." I am not crazy Neo.""Yes, you are! I mean look what you have done to me!" I look at the state of myself. I haven't shaved and I am still in my boxers since last night. "But I like you like that," she chuckles with a sly smile. I just gawk at her, like what the hell did she just say. " WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU! I WANT MY CLOTHES, RIGHT NOW!" I rage at her. She thinks I am some fucking Ken doll. "You don't play with me like that. Kayla, get back here!" I am calling her, but she's laughing as she unlocks the door to leave.

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