Chapter 16: Ice Ice Baby

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I can't fucking believe she did that! I was so close, and now I am tied back to this bed, again. I have an ice pack on my groin, and my inner thighs are getting cold. I need to find an alternative way, or shall I just stay for a week and let her torture me with her over-emotional loving shit. I don't know what the fuck to do? I can't believe three weeks have gone; I missed most of my damn summer. I am going choke her to death if I get my hands on her. I bet she might even like that, the sick freak.

"Neo?" I hear her come in. I don't even want to look at her, I can tell she's mad still the way she's huffing and puffing, walking in a strop. "How are you feeling?" Fucking sore, that's what! I want to say. But I just ignore her. "Let me take that off," she reaches for the ice pack and removes it gently." I am glad I had that syringe on me, if I didn't, you might have just left." Kayla looks at the door, with a sad expression.

"And? It won't make a difference if it was a week later. I still don't like you. Don't you get it, Kayla? You're fucking sick, you need help. You're obsessed with me, this shit can't carry on. I don't want you, I want to fucking go home. Me staying here for another week, will not do you any good. I will raise hell if I have too. You will hate me after this, Kayla. You watch!" I lean back taking a deep breath. I just had to vent that shit out, I am sick of this. Maybe I should put hate in her and make it so difficult for her, that she does let me go.

"I know how hard it is for you, but I planned this for a long time." Kayla pikes up. I might never get this chance again, to spend some time with you. I want to consume every precious moment I have, with you. You might never love me, I thought you might do, but now I know. You don't feel the same as I do." I can feel her heartbreak, the way her lips are quivering."I wish you did, I would make you so happy and give you all the love in the world, just so we can be together. All I ever loved and wanted was you. Neo when you are not in school, I feel so miserable and sad, I pray that you are well and okay. I am sorry if this summer I ruined it for you." She takes a deep breath, trying to control her emotions. "But all I wanted was you, to be with me. Why can't you see, that I love you so much?" She sits on the edge of the bed, feeling gutted and sad. Her body shakes and she curls up and lets out a heart-wrenching cry. My heart shudders and it breaks me seeing her like this. I feel sick and sad, I pity her so bad. I wish I could make her hate me, at least she won't feel like this. But I know I can't do that, her love and obsession overpowers anything else I throw at her.

"Kayla?" I softly whisper, trying to get her to calm her down. "When we go back to school and you see me, how you going to feel?" I ask her. I know she will be locked up in some hospital, once I report her, but I want to know how she will feel about that. "Ermmm, I will have to accept it, because I got to spend some time with you, Neo." She looks back at me with a red blotchy face. Do I believe her? Is she insane or sane? I don't where this is going, I don't trust her. I guess I have to wait and see.

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