Chapter 9

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***You guys remember this book? The one I haven't updated in three weeks?

Okay, here's a summary of what happened last chappy: Jay faked a pregnancy to get the police lady who accosted him and Nya about a parking ticket to leave. He and Nya just had a long conversation in Jay's car about his mental health. Since the police lady is watching them to see if they're really going inside the church (supposedly to tell Jay's parents the good news about the baby), they have no choice but to go inside.***

***(Nya's POV)***

My family never went to church, but I can already tell this one is a very orthodox establishment. I don't know if Jay's parents are Catholic or not, but their house of worship sure is.

Knowing that our friend the police officer is still watching, I begrudgingly follow Jay inside. Actually, Jay pretty much pushes me inside: He wanted to put on the whole "cuddly-pregnant-couple" show for the police officer who accosted us, and I was having none of it. In the end, he ended up placing his arm around my waist – at least it looks affectionate – and dragging me into Couple's Bingo.

"You know, for a girl who's been on the run from the police for two years, you're really bad at pretending," he muses, opening the wooden double doors for me.

I huff. "Maybe I don't want to pretend that I'm your pregnant girlfriend. Ever think about that?"

"I was getting that cop to leave us alone! This could cost me my job, Nya. I'm doing a lot for you here. I can't be that bad of a guy, right?"

"You very well could be. You could be a perv who's been obsessed with me for the past who knows how long. You're either planning to take me back to your apartment and get in my pants...or you're planning to cut me up into little pieces and hide me in your closet." Okay, actually, I don't believe either of those. But Jay is a little crazy. Nobody's willing to pay a parking ticket or risk their career to help a stranger they don't even know.

"My goal is not to murder you! And I don't just 'get in girls' pants', as you put it. I just want to get to know you better, Nya. Is that so wrong?"

"No. It's the part where you think you're going to marry me that's wrong."

"And why is that?!"

"Because people don't marry people they've just met!"

"Okay, first of all, we didn't just meet. I've known you for a year now, even if we only ever made small talk at the cash register of the café. And second...two hundred years ago, or even one hundred years ago, it wasn't uncommon to get married to someone without knowing them all that well. Not that I'd want to take things that fast, but I'm just saying that I'm not that creepy."

"We don't live a hundred years ago, Jay. We live in a society where it's normal to date someone for two years before getting engaged. Or more, if you do the whole 'let's live together and see if we mesh well' thing."

"I'm not technically supposed to live with a girlfriend. My parents are really religious, and they'd have a cow if I was living with you and wasn't married to you."

I sigh. "Good thing your pregnancy excuse was a fake, then." I walk over to the nearest window and try to see if the police officer's still outside through the stained glass.

Jay takes my elbow. "Come on. We should at least tell my parents that something came up. That way, they won't be so disappointed that you can't spend the day with them."

"Or maybe we should tell them that you don't have a girlfriend."

He scowls. "Not yet, Nya. My mom has heart trouble. It's better to just tell her we broke it off later."

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