Chapter 10

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***Y'all, I had to do research on all sorts of topics for this chapter. Let me know if you notice any factual errors <3***

***(Jay's POV)***

"How far along are you, sweetie?" mom asks, resting her hands on Nya's tummy like there's actually a baby in there.

Oh my gosh.

Nya's not pregnant, yet my mom...she thinks...

I struggle for words. "Mom, Nya's not...we didn't tell you about a baby because...there..." I swallow hard at the hopeful look on her face.

I may be able to pretend that Nya's my serious girlfriend, but there's no way I can pretend there's a baby.

Nya gently removes my mom's hands from her belly. "I'm...uh...not having a baby, Mrs. Walker."

My mom places a hand over her heart. "You're...not?"

"No," Nya says sympathetically.

My mom pales, and I panic. She had a heart attack a few years ago, but she pulled through and was diagnosed with coronary artery disease. She's very susceptible to stress.

I take her by the shoulders. "Mom? Are you okay?" I can't help the fear that creeps into my voice. "Let's have you sit down for a moment." I guide her over to an empty seat at one of the bingo tables.

Nya follows behind me. "Is she...all right?"

"Just dizzy," my mom says quietly, clenching her eyes shut.

I swallow. "It's the stress, isn't it? Is your heart feeling fluttery?" I think back through the heart attack symptoms her doctor told me to watch out for. "Have you been forgetting to take your medication again? You and dad were supposed to be writing reminder notes!"

"I forgot," she simply says, taking deep breaths.

Nya bends down in front of her. "What can I do to help?"

"It's just stress," my mom exhales.

I think quickly. "Uh, what Nya meant to say, mom, is that...we're not having one baby. We're having twins." Oh my gosh, I have no choice but to lie here to save my mom's life!

"Two?" she asks, steadying herself.

Nya glares at me, but says begrudgingly, "Yes. We're pregnant with...twins. That's why I said we weren't having a baby."

I shoot her an 'omigosh, my mom owes you her life' look. "Yeah. Um, so Nya and I...actually found out she was pregnant about a week ago, but we were really concerned about early issues with the baby, so...we didn't tell you until we got an ultrasound today. Uh, a six-week ultrasound. She's six weeks pregnant." I nod emphatically. I am so glad I sit next to a mom in my Terrorism and Homeland Security course. She explains more pregnancy whatnot than I want to hear, but it's coming in handy now.

Nya sighs heavily, forcing a smile for Edna. "Yes. And...that ultrasound showed..."

"Two yolk sacs," I jump in for her. Again, that gossipy mom with no sense of personal privacy is a literal lifesaver.

My mom frowns. " said you weren't having a baby."

"Because we're having two," I reassure her. "I'm, uh, sorry for the misunderstanding there."

She wipes at the corner of her eye, her breathing more regular now. "It's okay. I'm just glad there's a baby. And now there are two, meaning you'll need your father and me to help, I'm sure." She gives me a weak smile.

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