Six To Go

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"But why?!"

"Do you ever have an idea that isn't completely stupid? No offense, I love you, but this is crazy."

"Yeah, this is crazy."

"I'm related to an idiot."

"What's wrong with you?"

"That has got to be the dumbest thing I've ever heard."

"Ummm... how about NO."

Paige looked around at all of her her friends' confused and outraged faces. She wasn't fazed by all the negativity they were throwing at her. They would cave eventually. They always did. "Geez, you guys are acting like I want it to be a permanent thing. I was only making a suggestion."

"Yeah, a stupid one!" Mackenzie grumbled, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. Asia mumbled her agreement.

"Oh, come on. It would be interesting... and fun! I mean, just think about it!" Paige grinned, thinking about all of the possibilities.

"I don't wanna imagine myself with anyone but Nick." Chloe interjected, blowing on her freshly polished nails.

"Same here. I can't see myself with anyone except Josh." Maddie said, blushing a little when she said his name. Kendall looked down and played with a loose thread on the rug, trying to hide a blush of her own.

"Yeah. Things have been going really well with Zack and I lately. Not trying to be rude, Paigey, but your whole boyfriend switching idea is pretty... um..." Nia trailed off, trying to find a way to finish what she was saying without being a total jerk.

"Nia, I think the word you're looking for is RETARDED." Brooke said, popping her gum.

"You're always coming up with weird ideas, but this is by far the craziest. I'm happy with Travis, thank you very much." Asia piped up.

Paige shot a look at Kendall. She was the only girl who hadn't voiced her opinion on the boyfriend switching idea. "What about you, Kendie? What do you think?" Paige asked softly.

Kendall wasn't the best at making decisions, so if you put even the slightest bit of pressure on her, she'd go nuts. Paige didn't want Kendall to think she was trying to force her into making a hasty decision. Kendall, however, was more than happy to answer the question. She just had to play it off right.

"I dunno... it could be fun, I guess." Kendall murmured, pulling apart the Rainbow Loom bracelet she'd made earlier. On the outside, she was calm and quiet, but on the inside, she was celebrating. This was her chance to get closer to Josh. "Our lives have been pretty boring since the show ended." She added, trying her hardest not to seem too eager.

"I thought everything was great between you and Mikey," Maddie said, looking over at her friend. "Why would you want to jeopardize that?"

Kendall looked down at her bright red toenails, shrugging her shoulders. She couldn't exactly say, "Mikey and I broke up weeks ago and I'm actually in love with your boyfriend," like she wanted to, so she just kept quiet. "I just think Paige's idea would be fun, that's all. I'm in, Paige."

Paige looked around hopefully at the others, pleading with them. "C'mon, guys, PLEEEEEASE!"

The girls remained silent.


Still nothing.

"It'll only be for a month."

"If we agree to do it, will you SHUT UP?!" Brooke grumbled from across the room.


"Fine, I'm in... I guess."

Paige smiled and pumped her fist in the air. Two down, six to go.

|A/N: If you guys want to read a really good fanfic, go read Here I Am, Changed by dancemomsfanfics2170. It's not finished and the author hasn't been on in a year or so... but it is the greatest fanfiction EVER. Oh, yeah. Two votes and comments for more.|

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