"I believe we have some power over who we love. It isn't something that just happens to a person." - Little Women.
Violet had never known love. Considering her mother passed when she was 7 and left only a gold heart locket necklace to her. After th...
"I believe we have some power over who we love. It isn't something that just happens to a person."
Violets POV
I have always been wary of love. The first encounter I ever had with love was my mother. My mother was one of the most warm and outgoing people I have laid eyes on. She was my best friend.
That was until the day she passed away.
No one ever told me how it happened. I mean being seven at the time I wouldn't expect them too. To this day I still don't know how she died. My father always refused to tell me, and I never wanted to push him.
After my mother passed, my father turned to drinking and drugs. He would always come home way later than a father should. Not to mention he would always be drunk or high.
Then he would see me. I was a spitting image of my mother. That made him hate me even more. He hated how when he looked at me he saw her. I think that was part of the reason he started hitting me.
My father hit me for as long as I can remember. I would always have bruises to hide. I don't hate him though. I never did. I think he was just a sad man.
Sadness makes us do a lot of things. No matter how much he hurt me physically and emotionally, He was still my dad. Who was a sweet and gentle soul for the first seven years of my life.
When I turned eighteen he told me to leave. I wasn't really surprised. He couldn't even look at me without being disgusted. He was hurt. I knew that.
Even though he continuously hurt me. I never hated him. Not one bit. I loved him dearly. I have amazing memories of and with him, but those good ones eventually became tainted by the bad ones. Which there were too many of.
My childhood will forever be tainted by his actions and his words. I never got to enjoy life like other kids. I was always timid and shy ever since. I became a people pleaser. Never wanting to hurt anyone. Never putting my needs above others. Always listening to others out of fear. My fathers words and actions will forever be embedded in my mind for the rest of my life and thats something I will have to live with.
My only escape from it all was reading and art. Specifically painting and sketching. It was my favorite thing to do. The only think that would take my mind off everything happening within my life. I eventually got gradually better and better at it with tons of practice.
Then I decided to start college this year majoring in Fine Arts. Which educates me in Sculpture, Painting, etc. It was really great opportunity and I had to jump for it if I wanted a future for myself.
A future that I could build on my own. I didn't need anyone. I always had been on my own since my mom passed away. Always.
The only time I wasn't alone was when I was with my best friend Calum. We had been friends since we were 5. He was always there for me no matter what the issue was. His parents treated me like their own. His mom was so good to me. She was the only mother figure in my life. She will never know how much it means to me that she took me under her wing and nurtured me.
Callum was there for me every time my dad would hit me and I would cry out to him for hours. He wanted to tell his parents of what was happening but I begged him not too. I didn't want anyone to know. I was embarrassed by it.
His parents, Serena and James. They were like the parents I didn't have. They let me go on family trips with. They gave me a place to stay constantly, and I can't remember a time that I didn't have dinner at their house. They were always so caring towards me. They treated me as their own daughter. They were like my own family. When I was with them my sadness wasn't as prominent in my mind.
Looking back at my childhood I tried blocking out a lot of it. The sad and angry parts. Which was almost all of it.
I try to look at the bright side though. Today that is exactly what I am doing. Today Calum is coming with me to look at apartments. Since my dad kicked me out. I was actually happy though. I was glad to be starting a new chapter in my life. I was glad to have some system of support. I was glad to have him by my side with me in this mew chapter. I don't know what I would do without him. If I lost him my heart would break.
When we got to the apartments I was in awe. I loved the area. It was so nice. It was by a beautiful garden also with the most gorgeous flowers. The perfect place to read and get inspiration to paint.
Then came the part of checking the apartment itself. When me and Calum walked inside I was struck. The beautiful white interior made it look beautifully modern. The slick dark colored hardwood floor. The white walls. It was so appealing. I loved it immediately.
I think Calum liked it as well which made me even more happier. "So where is your head at?" He questioned me with a smile.
I couldn't help the smile that had made its way onto my face. "I really like it Cal. I want to live here." I spoke with the same plastered smile I had when he first asked.
He gently put his arm around me and draped it over my shoulder. He smiled big. "Then lets go talk to the guys so you can get it." And with that. We did. I went over the rent with him he told me around €3,000 a month. He said it was the average for one bedroom apartments. Which I was actually surprised but fine with it. I thought it would be more. I was so happy.
It was finally happening for me. Me studying at college and finally having a place to call my own. My best friend by my side after all this time. I felt stronger and more safe. I was ready to move along with my life.
This was the fresh start I needed.
My thoughts were broken by Calums soft spoken words breaking through to me. "Now you need to buy some stuff for your new apartment Vi." He spoke the words with a brilliant smile on his face.
So we did. We went to Target and Calum helped me look for furniture and decor.
When we got back to my new apartment he helped me put everything together. I was so grateful for him. He was always there. After we get the furniture put together, specifically my bed. I told him he didn't have to stay if he didn't want too. He assured me it was okay and that he wanted to spend my first night of my new life with me. So we crashed in my bed and watched our favorite movie. Which is 'Ella Enchanted'. For some reason it has been our favorite movie for as long as I can remember.
Then we fell asleep. It wasn't weird or uncomfortable to share a bed with Calum. We had done it so many times before and we didn't cuddle or anything. He didn't have any ill intentions. If anything it felt comfortable and homey. He was my favorite person.
I was just enjoying this. Enjoying everything before I had to go back to class tomorrow.
Here is representation of what her apartment looks like. Just a reference photo! You can imagine it in your own way if you would like.
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