"I believe we have some power over who we love. It isn't something that just happens to a person." - Little Women.
Violet had never known love. Considering her mother passed when she was 7 and left only a gold heart locket necklace to her. After th...
After what happened with Harry I couldn't help but feel sinful. I had a taste of the toxic fluid that flows through him.
He walked away from me calm and collected leaving me standing there like a idiot. I don't know what I thought would happen tonight. It wasn't that though.
So I made my way to my art display. Even though I knew I didn't deserve to even be here. I was still here.
I saw Calum standing by my art before he shot me a warm smile. Which was nice since the cold exchange with Harry.
"Where were you Vi? People have been really taking a liking to your art work!" He spoke so warmly that I wasn't even thinking about what happened earlier.
"I was looking at the Gallery of Apollo, and i'm glad I could make them happy." The smile that drew on my face was different than what I expected.
He slung his arm around me and laughed. "I never did ask you Vi, What's the meaning of the minimal art design?" Calum questioned me curiously. In all honestly I didn't know if I was ready to share the meaning behind it.
I didn't want him to know how sad it was. Then he would think I wasn't okay. Which wasn't entirely true. In all honesty, I was in a better place in life than I had been in quite awhile.
I mean no one is ever perfectly happy, right?
"Well, I guess some people have wounds others can't see no matter how much you see on the surface. You can't assume someones life story over who you think they are." I didn't want to give a deeper explanation than that. I just didn't want to make Calum sad with my answer.
He just stared at me with a unreadable gaze. "I like that. Your right y'know. We all have scars and wounds. Even ones some can't see." I never would have expected Calum to say that. He is a always happy go lucky type of guy.
But I guess every rose has its thorns.
I just nodded and plastered a smile onto my cheeks. "Yes, Everyone does." I replied quietly. More for myself to hear than him.
I was listening to all the good feedback on my art and I won't lie. It made my heart flutter from the kind words they were dishing to me.
I just stood on the sidelines and let myself relish in the moment that I didn't deserve one bit.
It was great. Until a familiar voice was heard. "Honestly it's not the best piece i've seen tonight." The cold voice spoke so calmly. Making it known exactly who it was.
It was Harry.
I knew I was right when I turned my head and saw the brown mess of curls on his head and the green iris's meet my blue ones.
He didn't grin or smirk. He just looked at me. "Oh. Violet, is this your art?" Harry asked even though he knew the answer to the question.
I just nodded. No reply. Just a simple shake of a head. Then I looked away from him. Making my eyes look back at Calum. "Calum I know they have food and drinks here tonight, do you mind grabbing drinks for us? If not I can go." I smile gently at him. Knowing he will probably go get the drinks.
He smiled as brightly as always. "Of course Vi" He made his way out of the room and towards the drinks and food. Knowing him he will probably come back with food also.
I made my way to a lavish table. So lavish that it made me uncomfortable. It was too much being here. It was all so nice and classy. Which I wasn't.
I felt like I didn't belong here. Then again though, I didn't feel like I belonged anywhere to be fairly honest.
My thoughts came to a halt when Calum's cheery face stumbled back to me with two cups and like I thought. Food. He had finger food. Specifically tiny sandwiches.
I couldn't help the small laugh that escaped my lips at the sight. Calum caught my laugh and he couldn't help but let a laugh out either. "What?! I got hungryyy." He let out hungry as a long word. I just smiled at him. Its all I could do.
"I didn't say anything Cal, enjoy your food. Its free so indulge all you want." I smiled warmly up at him.
He nodded happily and sat down before handing me my drink. I noticed it was champagne. Honestly I never drink often. Legal drinking age in France is eighteen but I just happen to not drink often. Maybe I should tonight though. To loosen up, as someone told me earlier.
I take slow and small sips of the champagne. The sweet and bubbly taste ignited my taste buds in a wonderfully delightful way. It was so sweet. I absolutely loved it. I couldn't get enough of it.
Three glasses of champagne later I was in such a lighter mood. Happier actually.
Looking at all the people walk by and admire art warmed me up even more. I wasn't sure wether or not it was good enough. Seeing my art make people smile made me happier than words.
Calum had went around too look at more art and I was more than happy to let him. I know he was looking for the guys. The other boys had come also.
I looked at the glass, moving the glass slightly so the champagne would move ever so gently in it. Just watching it move smoothly.
"Tipsy are we Blossom?" The smooth voice asked. The voice I already knew.
I shot my head to the voice snd glared. I don't know why I did that. I was upset looking at him though. For some reason there was anger in me that was targeted towards him.
"Is it really any of your concern Harry?" I shoot back.
He was surprised from my reply. I never talk rudely to anyone if i'm being honest.
"You have a mouth on you, you know that?" He said as he grabbed my jaw gently forcing his cold gaze on me.
I just clenched my jaw and shoved his hand off of my face. "Fuck off and quit fucking touching me for the last time." I grit out.
He breathed a shallow breath and then clenched his jaw. Out of the corner of my eyes I saw his fist clench. "You sure did want my touch earlier didn't you? You weren't doing all this fucking whining." He spoke so bitterly it surprised me even for him.
I got up abruptly and patted my dress gently to smooth any wrinkles. I tried to keep my anger and composure.
"You know what? Yes earlier I did accept your affection. Now. I don't. Is it that hard to fucking understand? Yet you also put your hands on my jaw. Just fuck off okay?" I give a award winning smile as I turn to walk away.
Yet my hand was pulled back. I knew who pulled my hand, obviously. It was Harry. Why he pulled my hand is fucking beyond me.
"Lets talk." The cold voice said not so cold. It wasn't as bad as he had been after what happened in The Gallery of Apollo earlier.
Yet I still had no idea what he had in store.
Here is Violets minimalist art work that is at the banquet! It is something of that sorts. Or if you imagine it in a different way you can imagine it in your own.
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