A Message to Readers

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Hey all,

Sorry for the long leave of absence. We have been going through many stories revamping some and found some problems with a couple of our stories. One being this one, as this is a a collaborative effort, we each write a part. One of our first members, who stepped down a while ago, has been plagiarizing some of the scenes she had written.

Due to that we are rewriting the story it will obviously stay the same concept an plot but, now will be fixing, plot holes, any grammar missed, and no copy in fragments.

I am sorry about doing this but it is a must and a whole new book will be started hopefully better than the first. Please keep watch we are about finished with the first five chapters, I just need a new cover page...

Thanks for the reads and comments.


from Alycar B.

*December 25, 2020. Hey all, just giving you all an update. So far the plan is finished and we're getting the first few chapters ready. Though I do need some help on the title but that would be later. Keep a look out it will be up soon! Happy Holidays and stay safe!!*

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