Chapter 24

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A nervous feeling was slowly taking over Taehyung's whole body. The young student had been dropped by Jin and Namjoon not even 5 minutes ago in front of Jungkook's apartment and somehow the blonde boy felt like throwing up. What if the ravenette would get mad at him for showing up at his house?

With a heavy heart the young student decided to just ring the bell to the street racer's apartment. Immediately a zooming tone began to sound and it didn't take long before the familiar voice of Jungkook sounded through the lobby. "Hello?" the boy said while a questioning tone was lacing his voice. Immediately Taehyung began to stand up straight before answering the ravenette. "Hey Kookie, it's Tae."

"Why are you here?" The street racer answered, a stressed yet tired tone lacing the boy's voice. Immediately Taehyung raised his eyebrows while a confused look was visible on his face. "Look I don't want to be rude but can you please leave?" Jungkook then continued while a soft sigh left his mouth.

Upon hearing those words Taehyung slowly took a step back. This was a joke right? Did Jungkook seriously not want to talk to him? The ravenette's words felt like a stab in the chest to the blonde boy and a sad look became visible on his face. Why did shit like this always happen to him.

However suddenly a determined feeling took over the young student's face. Like hell he was leaving. He had came here to talk to Jungkook and thus the ravenette had no choice other than let him inside. "I'm not leaving until we've talked Jungkook." Taehyung answered the younger boy, a pissed tone lacing his voice. The blonde had every right to be mad. He wouldn't let himself get played twice.

Immediately a deep sigh left Jungkook's mouth and before Taehyung knew it the raven haired boy had pressed the open button. A victorious smile made it's way onto the young student's face and he quickly got into the elevator. Even though his feeling about Jungkook ignoring him on purpose had been right he didn't care about that right now. The raven haired boy owned him an explanation and thus that was exactly what he was going to get.

It felt like forever before the damn elevator finally reached Jungkook's apartment and thus once the big doors opened Taehyung got out as quick as possible. The sooner the two of them got everything they needed to say of their chests the sooner they could go back to being friends again, or even more.

"Jungkook?" Taehyung softly said, while looking around the huge apartment in order to try and spot a certain raven haired boy. A smile quickly began to form onto the blonde boy's face once the street racer suddenly appeared from the kitchen. The boy looked like an absolute mess. His hair looked like it had been attacked by a cat and his clothes looked like he hadn't changed them in days.  Big dark circles were surrounding his eyes and a big yawn left his mouth. Had this boy not slept in days?

"What do you want?" Jungkook rudely said once he locked eyes with Taehyung. A soft scoff immediately left the blonde boy's mouth while a look of disbelief was forming onto his face. Where he had felt bad for Jungkook a moment ago he felt angry towards him now. This boy was showing no sign of respect and Taehyung was having none of it.

"I'm here to talk about what happened between us two." The blonde boy answered while looking at his friend. He wasn't leaving without having had the oppertunity to talk to the ravenette. If something had been bothering Jungkook then he had to open his mouth and own up to it.

"I don't want to talk about it." Jungkook immediately answered before softly shaking his head. A deep sigh left the ravenette's mouth and he slowly looked down. "What happened between us was a mistake and I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't bring it up again." He continued to say, a nervous tone now lacing his voice.

As if the street racer had thrown daggers at Taehyung's chest the boy felt a pained feeling in his chest. Jungkook's words had hurted him, a lot. The street racer clearly had no idea how painfull his words were to Taehyung. However the young student wasn't ready to give up yet. The way Jungkook had spoken in a nervous tone told Taehyung that the boy wasn't so sure of his own words and a spark of hope was all that was left in the blonde's body.

The blonde liked Jungkook a lot and he had been so happy when him and the ravenette had finally taken the next step in their friendship. Maybe it was wrong of Taehyung to think of the street racer as more than a friend but he couldn't just erase his feelings right? It's not like he had a choice in who he decided to catch feelings for.

A soft sigh left Taehyung's mouth and he locked eyes with the ravenette in front of him. "Listen Jungkook, I've caught feelings for you." The blonde boy said, a sad tone lacing his voice. He had pictured the moment he would finally tell the street racer about his feelings differently. He had hoped for a more romantic setting but since the raven haired boy was being so damn stubborn he had no choice but to do it now as a final attempt to make the boy's brain function properly again.

A shocked look immediately began to be visible on Jungkook's face and he became as pale as a ghost. However Taehyung was quick to notice this as well and walked a bit closer towards the younger boy. "Don't even try to say anything stupid Jungkook." The young student said, confidence lacing his voice. He was pretty sure he wasn't the only one who had caught feelings for the other and thus Taehyung had decided to just speak his mind. "I know you've caught feelings for me too."

Immediately Jungkook began to fiercly shake his head, his messed up hair softly bounching up and down. "I didn't!" The ravenette exclaimed loudly while his hands grabbed his hair. The boy looked like he was in complete panic and a concerned look began to form onto Taehyung's face. What was it that the boy was so damn scared about? Why was it so wrong to have feeling for another person?

"I don't have feelings for you, just fuck off!" The raven haired boy continued to exclaim, panic now lacing his voice. However Taehyung slowly closed his eyes while he began to ball his fists, an annoyed look clearly visible on his face. He didn't like the way the younger was talking to him one bit and thus he wouldn't just accept it.

"Then what the fuck did that blowjob mean huh?" The blonde boy answered angrily, his face looking like he was ready for a war. An even more confused look began to form onto the street racer's face and he softly pulled on his hair while squeezing his eyes shut. "I don't fucking know okay!"

The blonde boy in front of him was quick to answer his friend. "You know damn well what it meant!" He exclaimed while walking closer towards Jungkook, now standing only 2 steps away from him. "You've caught feelings for me Jungkook, just own up to it!"

Suddenly the street racer lunged forward and grabbed Taehyung by both his shoulder before pushing him backwards. Before the blonde boy could fully register what was happening his back hit the wall followed by two soft lips touching his own. Immediately the young student began to eagerly kiss his friend back and moved both his hands behind the boy's neck.

However as quick as the ravenette had started the kiss, he ended it also. A tense atmosphere was filling the room and both boys were standing awfully close to each other. "What the fuck am I supposed to do Tae?" Jungkook then softly asked, uncertainty lacing his voice. "I'm so confused."

A soft smile began to form onto Taehyung's face and he cupped the younger boy's face. He knew exactly what it was that the street racer needed in order to finally accept his feelings. It was about damn time the boy would own up to them.

"It's simple." The young student spoke before teasingly licking the other boy's lips before whispering in Jungkook's ear.

"Fuck me"



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