I'll Follow

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The groggy morning weighed down on the two sleeping bodies in the bed, but like a timer going of in Dean's head ­­ he woke up. Pulling himself from Castiel's snapping hands and arms, he sat up and slipped off the bed only to see Castiel curled up into a ball that once was held by another body of heat. Dean stretched beside the bed and rubbed his eyes only to turn back to the bed and stare down at the lump of feathers rising and falling. "Cas." He whispered reaching over and running his hand gently over the warm pile. "Cas. Wake up." He called.

Castiel's back was the first to move, his shoulder blades bending back as the wing on top of him brushed out and stretched behind him. He didn't open his eyes but when his arms rested back down on the bed, his wings went limp and he was asleep.

Dean laughed. "Cas, buddy. Come on." He shook Castiel's shoulder, and Castiel wrangled against the touch only turning into the bed and his wing coming over and covering him. "Protester." Dean mumbled smiling as he sat on the edge of the bed, he looked at the sleeping form. To his wings. Castiel's wing span was over eight feet when he stretched but by his side they were only a shortening foot. It was almost amazing to see this winged creature in it's place on the ground, but almost mysterious seeing it not flying away into the air. Dean huffed out air and reached over to his bed side for his note pad, he turned to look at Castiel. Jotting down notes to compare Castiel to, to a human, to a bird, to a god, to anything that it reminded him of.

He read his paper over in his head, " 'Castiel is showing signs of laziness and tiredness. He wakes up in the night some times only to move to my room, I still find it funny how he still waits until I'm asleep in order to come into my room and sleep in my bed. He has shown that he cares about things. About the animals that fly over head, worries that they'll fall down one day. He doesn't say anything about it, but when we're outside he looks up to the sky even if there aren't birds ­­ and in his eyes he shows fear that one day a bird would fall down and he wouldn't be there to catch it. He really is mysterious. He learns quick. He's read all the book in the library already, I have to go out and buy some more if he keeps reading the same books over and over again. He watches the girls cook some times, doesn't say anything about it but he watches and some times he helps me bring over the food and gives me apples from the orchard when we go out there in the morning'."

Castiel turned his wing making it fall flat into Dean's lap as he was reading, and the pencil fumbled out of his hands. Dean looked to Castiel swaying his head, how reckless such a graceful creature could be. He read on, " 'He's strong too. Enough to keep me down in the morning when I try getting out of bed, and he just keeps me there. Remind me something about a dog and it's owner. The dog always staying by the owner's side until the owner allows them to run around in the fields, or catch ducks when they're hunting. It's funny how that sounds, but it seems like that. Though Castiel doesn't speak sometimes, I know what he thinks and says because in his eyes he says everything wrong or right Wonder if he'll ever think of running away, such big wings and went he doesn't fly off some where and leave us behind. Maybe he's hurt, maybe he's scared to fly off when he's been taken care of here'." Cas' wing stuck out more on Dean's leg as Dean watched it's muscles stretch out in a comforting sort of way, Dean couldn't help but lay his hand flatten the stretching feathers and Castiel opened his eyes slowly.

Dean looked over, "Sorry. I didn't mean to wake you up." He rubbed his eyes with the knuckles of his hands, and sat up staring into Dean's eyes. "Breakfast is gonna be done soon. Ellen and Jo are probably already up." The angel blinked slowly, "Horses?" He said, "Yeah, we have to tend the horses." Dean patted Castiel's wing, "Come on." Standing up, he turned back to Castiel who only laid his head back on the pillow and curled around his wings. Dean laughed, "Come on." He called pulling Castiel up. Getting down the hall and down the stairs, Dean and Castiel shuffled into the kitchen to Ellen putting the last plate of food on the table and Jo turned in time to see Dean guiding Castiel around the table. "Good morning, Dean." Jo and Ellen sung almost in sync.

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