15.They got stabbed dude.

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Another love- Tom Odell
505- Arctic Monkeys

Once the plane landed the team piled into separate cars. Jane and Emily made their way towards an SUV and Emily pulled out the keys and handed them to Jane.

"You want me to drive?"


"Uh I'm not sure that's a good idea."


"Well I mean the fact that I can't drive is probably the main reason but there might be other small complications."

"You can't drive?"

Jane shrugged her shoulders and made her way to the passengers seat while Emily sat down in the drivers seat.

"Never really needed to. I skated everywhere after my parents and then I was in prison, so it didn't seem important to me. Did uh, did Hotch tell you everything about me?"

Emily shook her head and turned on the engine.

"He's the only one who read your case file, thought the less people knew, the more comfortable you would be. But he told me about what happened to your parents, and I'm sorry."

They sat in silence and drove away from the airport. Jane glanced at Emily and saw that she was focused on the road, resting her hands on the steering wheel while nervously picking at her nails. Jane sighed and turned to face her.

"You can ask me about it, I can tell you want to."

"What happened?"

Jane ran her fingers through her hair and looked back out of the window. She couldn't decide if she wanted to tell Emily the full story. She wasn't sure if she actually trusted her, but she had put herself in this position, so she closed her eyes and started talking.

"It's actually a pretty boring story so I'll spare you all the details. I got into some shit when I was younger. Got me in a lot of trouble. Most nights I was beating the shit out of someone or they were doing the same to me. One night I caught a bunch of guys doing some pretty fucked up shit to a girl, so I stepped in. Tried to be a hero, but that didn't work out so great. A few injuries later and I'm in court for a murder case. Luckily, a few strings got pulled and I got a shortened sentence. After that I did fuck all. Just wallowed in my own depressing shit."

"How old were you?"

"When I was arrested? 19."

Emily puffed air into her cheeks and turned to face Jane with eyes full of pity, but Jane dismissed her with a wave of her hand.

"I didn't tell you all that shit just for you to look at me like some messed up kid. I mean yeah, my head is fucked, and I'm beyond help but apart from that I'm fan-fucking-tastic. Also this goes absolutely nowhere. What I just said stays in the car or so help me god I will-"

"Whoa Jane it's okay I get it. Look we've all done things were not proud of. If you don't want anyone else to know then I'm not going to force you to say anything but, as cliché as it sounds, talking to people actually does help. We're a team. We want to help you, but you have to let us in. All of us." Emily gave Jane a knowing look.

"If you're suggesting that I have a special connection with a certain idiot genius, I hate to tell you that youre wrong. You're actually the first person I've told anyone of this to, and I didn't really explain it very well."

They started to pull into a road that was lined with police cars. Emily found an empty parking space and turned off the engine.

"I thought Hotch told us to go to the Dapper Chain?"

"He did. I just wanted to check something out."

Jane went to get out of the car but rolled her eyes when she heard Emily put on the child lock.

"Look you obviously don't fully trust me enough to tell me all the details and that is okay. You've only known me a week and I wasn't expecting you to be friends with me or even like me for that matter. But you sat here and told me what happened to you and I appreciate that more than you will ever know. So I'm going to make you a deal. I will get the team to leave you alone for this entire case if you come out for a drink with us when this is over."

"You should of just lead with the whole alcohol thing. And why does everyone keep making deals with me?" Jane mumbled as Emily unlocked the doors. They walked up to a house surrounded with police tape.

"So I take that as a yes then?"


Emily smiled at Jane as she shuffled her way through the officers scattered around the front of the house. They made their way over to the steps leading up to the door, blood covering each one.

"Can I help you?"

They turned around to see a small middle age man looking up at them. Jane smirked at his appearance and turned back to look at the stairs.

"I don't know, can you?"

Emily glared at Jane, cleared her throat and pulled her badge out of her jacket.

"I'm SSA Emily Prentiss, this is SSA Jane Hanson."

"Oh hi, I'm detective James Sanders. Yeah, I had a call saying you'd be coming. I'd just like to say we really appreciate you guys coming down-"

"Brilliant. Can I see the inside of her house?" Jane rose her eyebrows, cutting him off. He looked at her with wide eyes and nervously scratched the back of his neck.

"Yes of course. Are you English?" He asked as he waved one of his officers over.

"I don't see how thats relevant to the case." Jane murmured as followed the officer, leaving Emily to deal with the detective. She made her way to the back of the house were people were coming in and out of the door. She squeezed through and found herself in the kitchen. After looking around the entire bottom floor of the house and coming up empty handed, she worked her way upstairs. The last room in the house she searched was Melissa's bedroom. She walked over to the small table that sat next to the bed and she opened the top draw. It was filled with photos, bits of newspaper, old cinema tickets, all that sentimental crap that Jane hated. She rummaged around until she stopped on a photograph when Emily came through the door.

"Hey Prentiss, come look at this."

Jane handed the picture to Emily. It showed Melissa smiling next to a woman around the same age as her. Emily furrowed her eyebrows and held up the picture in her gloved hands. She turned to face Jane.

"Melissa didn't have a sister."

"No she did not. That right there is Melissa's girlfriend."

"She was homosexual?"

"Indeed she was. Now if you're about done here, I do believe we should pay a visit to the Dapper Chain."

Emily nodded and left the room with Jane trailing behind her. They thanked the detective and made their way back to the car.

"You already knew she was gay, didn't you?"

Jane turned to Emily and nodded.


"Know the people, know the places."

"What the hell does that mean?"

"All in good time my friend, all in good time."

Jane shrugged her shoulders and walked to the drivers seat. She raised her eyebrows at Emily and stuck her hand out, waiting for the keys. Emily glanced at the car and gave Jane a strange look.

"I thought you said you couldnt drive."

"A quick driving lesson isnt going to kill anybody." Jane sucked in a breath through her teeth and smacked her hand over her mouth.

"Probably shouldn't have said that at a crime scene, right?"

Emily rolled her eyes and walked over to Jane, opening the drivers door. She got in and looked up at her. Jane huffed and walked over to the passengers side. Emily turned on the engine and Jane mumbled under breath.

"It's not like they died in a car crash. They got stabbed dude. Big difference."

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