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continuation of chapter 2

————————————-continuation of chapter 2—————————————

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Jadelynn's POV

.....It went on like this for 15 minutes. I seen Miss open up the front door.
So my crazy self decided why not make a run for it. And so I did.....
I ran until I seen a small drug store.
I think that's what it's called.
They locked me instead the jail cell for the whole time I was there.
Only a few times I got to leave the house.
{I have to stop I feel like I'm going to pass out}
I kept on ruining till I made it inside the store so at least some people would see me if they find me.
I ran into a wall.
Or at least what I thought was a wall.
Turns out it was a guy.
He has a pretty drawing on his arms.
His eyes look familiar.

"Hey little one what are you doing out this late

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"Hey little one what are you doing out this late." the man with a pretty drawing on his arms asked me with curiosity.
"Uh uh um just s shopping....please don't hurt me." I said  muttering the last part.
"Now why would I hurt you little one?"

"Now why would I hurt you little one?"———————————————————————————

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Lorenzo's POV
Ok so this might sound a little crazy.
Like a wattpad book crazy.
The little girl standing in front of me looks A LOT like my youngest brother James.
"Now why would I hurt you little one?" I asked her hoping that she wouldn't be afraid of me anymore.
"Cause I'm useless and what do people do with useless things...they hurt them." she responded quietly.
Uh ok i'm speechless.
How would a 5 year old maybe.
She looks very small and tiny.
Say something like that.
"And who told you that little one?" I asked her.
If she is my baby sister, I swear i would kill anyone who told her that.
"My foster parents." she mumbled sleepily.
I somehow got her to tell me that she ran away and who she was running away from.
Trust me it wasn't easy.
She's a small stubborn child.
She still won't answer what happened to her there that made her run away.
"What's your name little one?"
"Jadelynn" she whispered.
AND THAN boom she fell over.
See I was waiting for my younger brother Carlos for pick a card.
He was picking out a card for our cousins who's in the hospital.
He's in there because he annoyed my older brother so bad he shot him in the leg.
HAHA he deserved it though.
So back to the little girl in my arms..
"CARLOS LETS GO!" I yelled at him to hurry up.
As soon as he seen the little girl in my arms tears slowly began to appear in his eyes.
"i is that j jade?"
"i don't know, let's go. She needs a doctor. I seen bruises on her right side." i quickly explained running to my car.
I made him hold her.
I which could see was hurting him just cause we didn't know if it really was our families princess.
at the hospital
They quickly took her into surgery.
"So you are gonna call dad?"
"No you are" i replied laughing.
"uh no way how are we gonna tell him we could've just found our missing princess even though we've been looking for years?"
"i don't know that's for you to decide."

Carlos's POVThere's no way this is my missing baby sister

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Carlos's POV
There's no way this is my missing baby sister.
Maybe there is a way.
I guess I'm the one calling our dad.
-Carlos were are you too?
-Oh I don't even get a hello?
-Ok ok wesortafoundagirlwholookslikejamesandcouldbeourprincess.
-Slow down Car.
-We sorta found a girl who looks like James and could be our princess. Uhhh dad?

 Uhhh dad?———————————————————————————

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Jack's POV
My heart stopped.
They could've just found my princess.
See I was sitting in my dinning room.
While my sons were getting a card for their cousins. Why?
Who knows why they are getting a card.
It's not like he's dying.
Only one bullet to the leg.
He'll be out of the hospital tomorrow anywho.
-Uh dad you there?
-Yes car. What hospital are you guys at
-Watt Hospital.
-The one your cousin is at?
-Yeah. Enzo went to give him the card.
-Ok We'll come up.
-Wait wait wait who's we?
-Mom,me and your brothers. We'll leave james with your nonna and nonno.
-Ok bye dad. love you.
-Love you too car.
-call ended-
to be continued•
N/A i'm slowly starting to write these in advance🖤
how was everyone's day?
- = phone convos
{} = thoughts
Nonna- Grandma- Italian
Nonno- Grandpa- Italian

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