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Jadelynn's POVI woke up to my mom rubbing my back

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Jadelynn's POV
I woke up to my mom rubbing my back.
Now what does this woman want.
All I'm trying to do is nap.
Nap away this sickness.
"Come on princess Gio made you some soup."
"Mhmm what's soup?"
"Something that will make your tummy feel better."
"okey momma."
She took my hand and walked me to the kitchen.

(Kitchen ^^)I tried to jump up on one of the chair stools but i'm short

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(Kitchen ^^)
I tried to jump up on one of the chair stools but i'm short.
Why did they make these so high?!?
"I got you princess."
i turned around and see Lorenzo walking towards me.
I stretch my arms up so he will pick me.
He picks me up right when momma comes over and places a bowl in front of me.
"Here baby it's your soup."
"nu uh this isn't soup."
"Yes eat it baby."
"No it looks weird."
"Look princess it has noodles in it!"
"Really Sweets?"
"Yes now come on be a big girl and eat your soup."
"Okey Sweets!"
Once I finished my soup I wanted to go into my Romes office.
But Momma said he's busy.
And apparently We are having family over but since i'm sick.
I don't have to see them.
How should I sneak away from momma.
Where's James when you need him.
Dang speak of the devil and he shall appear.
I took her walking up the stairs to James's room to run down the hallway with my blanket on down to Rome's office.

Romeo's POVI've been sitting in my office trying to figure out who took our shipments yesterday

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Romeo's POV
I've been sitting in my office trying to figure out who took our shipments yesterday.
My dad is at a meeting with my uncles also trying to figure it out.
He didn't want to go to the meeting with Jadelynn being sick.
But he had too.
I surely wasn't going to go.
Once they finish their meeting they should all be coming over here.
My thoughts were soon interrupted by a 2 light knocks on the door.
"Come in." I say coldly not knowing who is standing behind the door.
But than I see a little head pop their the door they opened.
It was my princess.
"Princess I thought you were supposed to be napping?"
"I was. But than I missed you Rome."
This girl knows how to tug on your heart strings.
Oh good god.
Think about when she's older.
Good thing she's banned from ever looking at a guy.
"Oh come here princess."
I pick her up and go lay down ,with her on my chest, on my office couch.
"How are you feeling princess."
"Ok get some rest before our famiglia (family) comes over."
"Sleep well princess."
"You too romey."
I wait till she falls asleep to turn on my laptop just so i can still get a little more work done.
Now for my uncles come over it will be...
Uncle Raphael
Uncle Hunter
Uncle Fredrick
And Finally Uncle Quinton
Uncle Quinton isn't our actual uncle.
He grew up with our dad and uncles.
So him and his family are practically family...
I'll introduce them next chapter once Jadelynn meets them!!
I hope you all enjoyed🖤
Please don't be a quiet reader
Lemme know what you think!!

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