Part 1

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                                                     *beep beep beep*

Sooyoung would wake up to the sound of her alarm. She would slap the snooze button without noticing and would get up five minutes later. When she'd wake up do her morning routine, while she'd be in the bathroom she would have heard the sound of the alarm and noticed that she would have pressed the snooze button. She'd walk out of the bathroom and turn it off before going downstairs. Sooyoung would live with her parents but they would usually be on business trips so she would be alone most of the time, she'd make herself some breakfast but while eating she would see her phone light up, she would check who it would be and it was her best friend Jungeun, after reading the message which said:

  Jungeun😒: Come pick me up when your ready bitch.

  Sooyoung😎👀: Woah there chill i'll be there in 5 and and good morning to you too. 

After Sooyoung would finish eating she'd go outside, she'd get in her car and go pick up Jungeun. Sooyoung wouldn't look up to school, they would always call her a player when she had never been in a relationship with anyone ever, she really wouldn't know why but she'd have an idea it might have been one of the girls that Sooyoung once rejected. She'd pick Jungeun from her house and drive to the school while sitting in silence. Sooyoung wouldn't mind the silence because most of the time Jungeun would be yelling in the car, she would know nothing bad happened to her though because she just knows when there's something wrong.

Once they'd get to the school they'd walk in, her and Jungeun had different classes so they would go their own ways, as Sooyoung would be walking to her class alone she'd bump into someone. Sooyoung would look up and see it'd be a small girl with cute bangs, Sooyoung would apologize to the girl. "Im super sorry for bumping into you, i didn't see you." Sooyoung would stand and help the girl up. "It's ok!" The girl would sound very energetic surprising Sooyoung a bit. "Also can you help me find the English class? Im new here." the small girl would ask. "Yeah sure." Sooyoung would say and smile. "Oh and my name is Kim Jiwoo" Jiwoo would smile back. "I'm Sooyoung."


This is my first chapter i've ever written on Wattpad and the only other thing i write for is my essays at school- Anyways i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and i'll try to update as soon as i can write. I'll most likely publish 2 chapters a week but if can't then once a week. Thanks for reading.

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