Part 3

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After lunch it would be the only class that Sooyoung didn't have with Jiwoo, she'd take Jiwoo to her class and then walk to her own class. After the period would end she'd go back to where Jiwoo's class was, she'd see that Jiwoo would be waiting right outside on her phone. Sooyoung would smile. "Hey Jiwoo." Jiwoo would look up from her phone and smile when she'd see Sooyoung. "Hi!" she'd say with lots of energy. Sooyoung would laugh. "You know you don't have to yell all the time?" Jiwoo would laugh "yes i do know that." She'd say calmly. "Ok we got 2 classes left and then i gotta go to my dance team after school. "ooooh dance team?" Jiwoo would say. "yes, dance team." Jiwoo would do a small victory dance. Sooyoung would laugh. "Why are you so happy?" Jiwoo would hold Sooyoung's hands. "Because i've been wondering if there was a dance team at the school." Sooyoung would smile. "So do you want to audition for it?" Jiwoo would smile. "YES!" She'd then remember what Sooyoung said and clear her voice. "Sorry i meant yes." After she'd say that she would have made Sooyoung laugh.

A while after school was finally over and Sooyoung would go to Jiwoo. "Ok when you see the dance room don't yell or scream, i know you're excited but just don't-" Jiwoo would take a deep breath. "Ok i'll try." Sooyoung would take Jiwoo's hand and take her to the room. Once they would get there Sooyoung would look at Jiwoo right outside the door. "Ok im going to go tell them that we got someone who wants to audition, i'll be right back" Sooyoung would smile and Jiwoo would nod. Sooyoung would walk inside and all of the girls would already be there, she'd go turn off the music that they had while they were warming up "Oi!" Yerim would yell. "Sorry but uhm i got someone outside who wants to audition for the dance team, so Haseul uhm should i let her in?" Hasuel would smile and she'd nod.

 Sooyoung would walk to the door but before opening it she'd turn around and look at them "She's kind of loud by the way" Yerim's face would lighten up. Sooyoung would open the door. "Oi Chuu you can come in now" Jiwoo would smile and go in behind Sooyoung. "Alright Jiwoo you can introduce yourself now." Sooyoung would smile and Jiwoo would start "Hello! My name is Kim Jiwoo but Sooyoung calls me Chuu so nice to meet chu!" All the girls would smile. "Alright we should introduce ourselves to Jiwoo here." Haseul would say and point to Hyunjin for her to start. "Hello, i'm Hyunjin you met me earlier." Hyunjin would smile. Heejin would go next " Wait before i say my name Hyunjin may be a small furry-" Heejin would then get hit by Hyunjin. "Sorry not sorry, anyways my name is Heejin" she'd smile before pushing Hyunjin lightly.

"Hi i'm Yeojin and i'm the youngest here." Yeojin would smile. "Heyo i'm Yerim." Yerim would say while smiling.  "You already know me so uhm uh hi-" Sooyoung would say and Jiwoo would laugh. "Hello, i'm Gahei but call me Vivi." she'd smile. "I'm Haseul and i'm the mother of these weird children." "you already know me, Jungeun." she'd then look at Jinsoul "....What?! She also already knows me so what's the point of me introducing myself-" Jungeun would hit Jinsoul "Ow what was that for?" she'd hit Jungeun back and then look at Chaewon "I'm Chaewon but feel free to call me Gowon" Gowon would smile. "and last of all i'm Hyejoo but you can call me Olivia or just whatever you want i don't care." Jiwoo would nod. "Alright so audition right?" "Mhm!" Jiwoo  would hum while nodding. 


I actually had no idea where to stop this but i just did here and i'm gonna start the next chapter with Jiwoo's audition. Thanks for reading even though it's bad. (Oh an fun fact i thought i had published this but it turned out i didn't)

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