Part 2

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Sooyoung would be helping Jiwoo all day by making sure she could get to her classes. They'd be a bit surprised that most of their classes would be together. Sooyoung would think the girl would be adorable and kind, Sooyoung would think what if when she thinks im a player once she finds out that's what they call me?.  She'd shake the thought away and then look at Jiwoo who'd be smiling while walking. Sooyoung would wonder what would keep her so happy to make her smile all the time? Sooyoung would then look up and she'd then feel Jiwoo's had intertwining with her own hand, she'd smile and when she'd look back at Jiwoo she'd be blushing lightly.

Soon later it would be lunch and Sooyoung would show Jiwoo where the cafeteria was. "This is you know...the cafe. You can come sit with me and my friends if you'd like?" Sooyoung would smile and Jiwoo would smile back. "Sure i'd like to meet Ms. Ha Sooyoung's friends." Sooyoung would smile and guide her to the table where Jungeun and her girlfriend were.

She'd sit down at the table and Jiwoo would also sit down awkwardly. Jungeun would look at Jiwoo and then at Sooyoung. "Wait Sooyoung this is the new girl right?" Jungeun would ask. "Yeah i've been helping her get around today. I'll introduce you guys to her, ok so Jiwoo these are my friends Jungeun and Jinsoul...they're dating so don't mind them being all clingy to each other." Jungeun would glare at Sooyoung while Jinsoul and Jiwoo would laugh. "And then last of all this is Jiwoo, Kim Jiwoo." Jiwoo would smile shyly. Then they'd hear someones voice coming in closer. Sooyoung would look over and sigh. "Hyunjin i've told you to not come yelling in for Heejin all the time, she doesn't even come near us during lunch so just go away." Hyunjin would sarcastically look offended but then she'd notice Jiwoo.

"Oooh Who's this?" Hyunjin would say looking at Jiwoo. "It's Sooyoung's new girlfriend" Jungeun would say. Sooyoung would look over and glare at Jungeun, Jinsoul would have hit Jungeun's shoulder. Hyunjin would just look confused and then look at Sooyoung "Actually?" Sooyoung would laugh awkwardly. "No not actually, she's new to the school her name is-" Sooyoung would get interrupted by a loud voice "I'm Jiwoo!" Jiwoo would smile widely. "Yeah her name's Jiwoo" Hyunjin would just nod. "Ok anyways i'm gonna go look for Heejin now bye" Hyunjin would leave.


Looks like i wrote 2 chapters in a day. If i can do that most of the time i would actually be able to update quickly,  i should try this more. Anyways i didn't really know where to stop this chapter but i just did it here. Thanks for reading.

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