Part 4

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"Alright what song do you want Ms. Chuu" Yerim would ask. "The song i'm going to use is my own song so you guys aren't going to know which one it is, can i find it?" Yerim would look at Haseul who would nod, she'd let Jiwoo find it with Sooyoung's help. Once Jiwoo and Sooyoung would find it Jiwoo would put the song on and get in position. Once the song would start and it would be an upbeat song, Jiwoo would start dancing. (A/N: Just imagine a Jiwoo Heart Attack performance.) The girls would be enjoying Jiwoos's song/dance, Sooyoung would be smiling widely while watching her.

Once the song would end Jiwoo would just sit down on the ground looking at them with a big smile,  the girls would look back at Jiwoo in silence, to break the silence Hyunjin would randomly bark. After Hyunjin would've barked everyone would just look at her with a confused face. "What? I was just trying to break the silence" she'd say with a small awkward laugh before hiding behind Heejin, "So uhm what going to happen now?" Chaewon would ask, Haseul would smile at Jiwoo "pretty sure you're welcome to the group" Jiwoo would have laid down on the floor and would have jumped up as she would have heard Haseul. 

Jiwoo would smile brightly, while thanking Haseul. After she would have thanked Haseul she'd run to Sooyoung to hug her, once she'd hug her Sooyoung would smile and hug back a bit awkwardly. After Jiwoo would break the hug she'd go lay down on the ground. Yerim would put on the music they would have had on while they were practicing again. Sooyoung would go to Jiwoo and kneel down next to her, "Warm up with us" Sooyoung would say with a small smile, Sooyoung would stand up and help Jiwoo get up, after she would have gotten up Sooyoung would take Jiwoo to the back of the room where there would have been more room for them to warm up in.

After a while they would have told Sooyoung to help Jiwoo by teaching her one of the choreos that they would have had, Sooyoung would walk to Jiwoo who would have been drinking water, "Hey Chuu, i got the job to help you learn a bit of a choreo" Jiwoo would smile and nod. After a while Sooyoung would have been successful in helping Jiwoo learn the basics of Cherry Bomb's choreo, "Alright i think that's fine for today Jiwoo, and plus we don't want to overwork our new addition to the group." Jiwoo would nod. The music that the others would have been using would have stopped, everyone would look at Haseul. "Alright i think we've done good today so i'm going to leave. If you want to stay and do some more feel free to and remember to turn off the lights when you leave." Everyone would nod and some would start leaving, the last 3 members left would have been Yerim, Sooyoung, and Jiwoo.


Hello, i did my best in this and i'm just writing to what my mind is taking me to at the moment, i really don't even have a plan for it but it's fine as long as i keep updating. By the way if you have any suggestions for the book i would love to hear them because again i don't really know what the plan is. Anyways thank you for reading this and i hope you are enjoying this! :D

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2020 ⏰

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