Chapter Four

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Jackson's POV

I was walking down the hallway of the school campus whistling. I am going to wait for Allyssa. We're going to her parents' house for dinner. She's not feeling well today but she insisted to attend school. She is so stubborn sometimes and easily got annoyed if you didn't give her what she wants. I smiled remembering her. My girl is the best thing that ever happened to me. I can't afford to lose her. Graduation is only days away. We're going to enter a college life. And to reach our dreams.

Turning to my left I heard a very familiar voice.

"You know what, that day Tanya asked me to make Jackson fall in love with me and drop him like a hot potato!" Allyssa said laughing enthusiastically. From where I stood, I can see her and her best friend Tanya and two other girls. They all laughed loudly, they didn't notice me standing there, listening to their conversation. I felt like a cold water was throw into me. a shivered run down my body. No!

"So that's it? It was easy for you because after two days you and Jackson were the talked of the campus because of your whirlwind relationship with him." the girl I think named Kelly stated.

I stood there frozen. So, this is all about the bet or proposition from her friend Tanya who happened to be the girl who pushed herself to me and asked me to leave the Prom when I was announced as a King and Allyssa as the Queen? Maybe I am hearing it wrong. Allyssa will never do such childish thing. Knowing her. No, no, no. Never.

"And let's add "no effort." Tanya added laughing. The girls laughed together as if this is the funniest thing for them. Playing with my feelings. I truly loved her. I gave my time and effort to her. I treasured her and cared for her. I even made a future with her. I can't believe she did this to me. No, I can't imagine. I felt as if my world collapsed. No!

"It's not that easy knowing how charming Jackson is." Allyssa added as if it is the natural thing to say. So, it's true. It's all about the dare she agreed with. She really did it. I told myself she won't do that thing to me. But she just said it. It broke my heat big time!

I breathe a heavy sigh of disappointment. I had enough! I loved her with all my heart, and all of this was a lie, a bet?!

I clapped three times and the four girls turned their heads in my direction, shocked visibly shown on their faces.

"Jackson! What are you doing there?!" Allyssa stood up abruptly.

"What do you think? I'm here to pick you up. I'm going out anyway. Enjoy your chitchat with your friends Allyssa." I said coldly and furiously. I turned my back without glancing back at them.

"Jackson! Wait for me please. Why are you so angry?" I heard Allyssa followed me. I continuously walked and ignored her. She has the guts to ask me why I am this angry?

"Jackson please? Have you heard our conversation? Jackson! Jackson wait I can't walk like that. My feet are hurting! Jackson please!" she pleaded. He can't bear to hear her like that and hurting so I stopped abruptly but remained my back at her. I controlled myself not to turn and ease the pain she felt. I'm furious of what I've heard. Because of that I felt angrier.

"I heard all of them. Congratulations Allyssa, you won!" I spat and turned to her direction. She sat on the ground sobbing. I don't know if because of the pain on her ankle or what. I want to go to her, but I controlled myself.

"No, you didn't hear everything. Jackson it's not what you think. Please let me explain. Please Jackson." she pleaded while sobbing. "You know how much I love you Jackson. Please let me explain."

"There's no need. Goodbye Allyssa. I wish you and your friends are happy now for the entertainment you really enjoyed. Good job! Congratulations!" I said sarcastically controlling my anger. I left her there without glancing back at her.


Allyssa's POV

I kept on calling Jackson, but he didn't answer any of my calls and messages. I went to his penthouse but he's not there. I also went to his father's mansion and to their office but he's also not there. I'm feeling restless and hopeless. I know he's ignoring me. I need to explain my side to him.

Why did he do this to me? He didn't even let me explain myself. Did he even trust me like I trusted him? I cried every time I remember how angry and disappointed he looks. My tears were dry, but my heart is aching so badly. I missed Jackson so much. I can still remember the hurt on his face yesterday. It broke my heart seeing him like that. I sent a lot of message and voicemail to him, but he didn't reply.

Jackson please tell me where you are. I'm worried sick. Please tell me you're alright. Please call me, Jackson.

Jackson answer my call please I'm begging you.

I love you Jackson. Please let me explain. I can't bear to lose you. I hate it when you ignored me, and you know that. Please Jackson.

If you don't want to hear my side just, please let me know if you're okay. Where are you? Are you hurt? Please call me back.

I haven't heard anything from Jackson since that cruel day. I've been sick for a week and keep on throwing every morning.

Today is our graduation day. Jackson is nowhere to be seen. He didn't attend our graduation.

That night I cried my broken heart out. Why do things end up like this? How can I live without Jackson in my life? Everything was perfect. We were very happy. Before I changed my mind, I sent a last message to him.

It's time to let him go. He didn't want anything to do with me. My love for him is not enough for him to trust me.

"I'm sorry Jackson if things turned out like this. It's alright if you don't want me to explain myself. I hope you're alright. I wish you all the happiness and success in life. Don't forget to eat breakfast every day before going to your office or school. And always remember that I will never ever break my promises to you. I love you Jackson so much it hurts me. Goodbye Jackson...

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