Chapter Five

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Five years later

Allyssa's POV

I sighed heavily, closed my eyes and massage my temples. It's already 9:00 in the evening. I got carried away from the files that I am working and didn't noticed the time.

I glanced at the photo frame on my desk to ease my headache. I automatically smiled when I saw the picture, my stress-reliever, my life.

I am now the CEO of Williams Corporation. My father gave me the position after I graduated college in London. Yes, after high school graduation I asked my parents to send me to London to get my degree in business. I begged them for almost a week, and they agreed but they told me to go there with Irene, my personal maid and like a mother to me.

I spent my days studying and taking care of myself in London. I was two months pregnant when I left New York. My parents didn't know my situation. They only knew about my pregnancy when I gave birth to my little angel Sofia Victoria Williams. They got furious and left New York to visit me and my daughter but they forgave me easily especially when they saw my little angel Sofia.

I begged them to never let the Murphy's know about Sofia. I can't bear to lose my baby. I know Jackson is still mad at me and never want to see me again. At first, they didn't agree with me. I know Jackson have the right to know but not now.

Next week we are going back to New York. I am only working here in London, one of our pilot offices because I asked my father to give me some time. Now I am ready to go back. I can do this. This is for my little angel. I will do this for my parents and Sofia.

I checked the time again and it's getting late. I turned off my laptop and gathered my things and went to my car.

I arrived home safely and saw the lights were off. I know Sofia was already asleep. I went straight to her room. I kissed her forehead and touched her hair. "I love you baby. Always remember mommy loves you so much." I whispered in her ears. I stared at her for a little while staring at her angelic face. She looks very much alike as her father. Her eyes were green like him and her nose and lips are carbon copy of her father. She only got my hair color and skin. I smiled, and a tear fell from my eyes.

I thought I've already moved on. But every time I looked at my daughter, it always reminded me of him. I wonder where he is right now. I avoided all the magazines, television, tabloids and social medias. I don't want to see what is going on with his life for a couple of years. I gave all my time to my daughter, studies and work. There are lots of rich men attempted to court and win my heart, but I really can't. I tried but I failed. The moment I left New York, I also left my heart and my love for him. I told myself to forget him, to get angry with him because he left me without explaining and saying anything, but I can't.

I stood up and wiped my tears and exited the room. I'm looking forward to our flight back home to New York.


We arrived at JFK Airport late Thursday evening. I never expected the paparazzi to be there.

I am carrying Sofia while walking outside the plane. The moment we went out of the plane, Sofia buried her face onto my shoulder because of the blinding lights from the cameras. They asked me a lot of questions, but I kept my mouth closed.

After claiming our baggage, two guys I remembered to be my father's security staff came to us and carry our luggage. They escorted us to the limo who is waiting for us.

We arrived at my parent's mansion in fifteen minutes. My parents were very pleased we're finally home. After a small talk during dinner with my parents, I decided to call it a night. Sofia is exhausted, and I excused from my parents to rest for the night due to the long flight we had.

"Mommy, cuddle please??" Sofia whispered sleepily.

I placed her on my bed and whispered. "Sure, baby girl, mommy will change first okay." She nodded sleepily.

Once I'm done, I joined Sofia in bed and cuddled with her. "I love you baby girl." I murmured, and she mumbled "I love you too mommy" before closing her eyes to sleep. I smiled and felt something ache in my chest.

How does it look like if Jackson and I didn't break up and still with each other for five years? I bet we were married already. Jackson and I always talked about having our own family and how many children we wanted. I sighed heavily. Those were the times when we were still happy and have each other's back. If only I can turn back the time.

But as the saying goes, life must go on.

"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger." I mumbled giving Sofia a gentle kiss and close my eyes.

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