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"I knew it!" Sydney shrieked, flicking her hair, "That cunt had something to do with all the Katie bullshit."

I watch her walk around Ryder's room in circles, stomping like my mother when she's on her way to ground me. "She needs to pay." She said, "Who knows, maybe she was the one who had Violet beaten up so she can have Lucas all to herself." She added, "But maybe Lucas really loved Violet and maybe that's why she killed him. She could be Mr. E!" She finished.

"Sydney, stop assuming." Brendan tried to compensate with her. She just glared at him, "I'm not assuming, I'm telling you a speculation, a conspiracy, a theory." She corrected him.

"If you're trying to sound intelligent it's not working." Logan cut in. Sydney simply glared at him, he quickly covered his mouth in fear of getting another look from Sydney.

"How can Lucas be in love with Violet, he was a horny player." Tiana opposed.

"Maybe Violet loves the game he plays, maybe they were just fighting or had some strain in their relationship that's why he tried to get into every sophomore girls' pants. Including yours and Olivia's." Sydney defended.

"Look, Hudson." I cut in, "If you're trying to make Carmichael look like the bad guy in this whole Katie situation, I suggest you should try harder. Because I'm pretty sure she's as oblivious as an ant."

Sydney rolled her eyes, looking like some hypocrite, feeling like her opinion is the only one that matters. God, she's such a brat.

"Olivia needs to pay, okay." Sydney said, "Some of us have been putting up with her shit for the last eight years." She added, "And look what we got; Katie is gone and Violet is in bruises; and she's just there enjoying her petty little life like the cunthole she is." She smacked her fist unto her palm, "Acting like nothing has ever happened to her."

"I get what you mean but isn't that all in the past?" I asked, "I thought Katie and Olivia were friends before she disappeared."

"You're not too updated on the gossip of this school aren't you?" Sydney asked, tilting her head.

"What's in the past?" Tiana and Brendan asked.

Ryder sighed, "During 8th Grade, Katie, Olivia, and Sydney were best friends-"

"Wait!" Sydney cut him off, she took out som earphones, wore it on her ear, and played some music, "Okay, go."

"As I was saying," Ryder said, clearing his throat, "Katie, Olivia, Sydney, Jacob, and I were best friends and Logan was, well we weren't close,"

"It was the year that you and Jacob threw a rotten cheese sandwhich at me." Logan said.

"Thank you for reminding me," Ryder smiled at him sarcastically, "It was the time when things got awkwad and Jacob and Katie were in a fling. Olivia got jealous and kissed Jacob infront of Katie."

"And so there began her sluttiness." I muttered.

"And Katie just hated her." Ryder finished. Sydney took her earphones off from her ears, "I heard she gave Jacob the cold when she kissed him." She said.

"No, she did-" I tried to correct her but she was right, I did get sick after Olivia kissed me. I stayed silent while she just cocked her eyebrow, grinning.

"So with that, that cunt needs to taste revenge." Sydney said, "I'm suggesting we could put snakes in her car, like poisonous snakes so she can die alone in her Mercedes-Benz, which I'll gladly burn for all of you." She suggested. We were all staring at her, "I have visions all right?"

"For all I suspect is that she only became the school's new queen bee after Katie disappeared." Ryder said, "So I think she might've contributed something to do that."

"Aha! So you do believe me!" Sydney jumped in joy.

"But we got other things to worry about," Ryder aversed, Sydney frowned in mortification, "I heard there were some private investigators coming tomorrow to inspect on both Katie and Lucas' deaths."

"Who sent them?" Tiana asked.

"Me." I said with a smirk.

"What the hell, Abernathy!?" She shrieked in anger, "They can know that Katie's still alive and some psychopath is putting her in his cache."

"We can't let them know about Katie's state, or else they might announce it to everyone and shit will happen." Logan said, "Who knows, some bloody massacre would occur and there's no janitor to clean it up since he'll be killed by some remorseless psycho."

"No one would believe that," I said to him, "Especially from someone like you." I finished, "Plus, my brother's part of the investigation so I guess we could ge away with it. Just don't tell them about Katie being alive and Mr. E." I assured

"But after this, we better do major payback at Carmichael," Sydney suggested threateningly. I chuckled, "Depends on the future situations and endeavors." She just rolled her eyes, "Whatever, we just need to make sure she gets fucked up right in the ass."

"God, why do you hate her so much? She's nice to everyone." Tiana defended Olivia.

"Because, she's a low-life worthless social climber who has nothing to do but to bathe in the riches of her popularity and get into every guy's pants." Sydney said.

"Plus, she's a basic bitch." Brendan added, "And she drinks a hell lot of Starbucks."

"We'll make sure to seek revenge on Olivia after this investigation ends, okay Sydney?" Ryder assured her.

"You better be sure." Sydney said, crossing her arms.


"They're here." I told Ryder, tapping on his shoulder. We turned to the investigators entering the halls, I saw my brother, Johnny, walking towards me, holding a cup of coffee, "Good morning, kiddo." He greeted me.

"Hey, Jasper." I replied with a smile, "Good luck on the investigation."

"Good luck too." He said, winking at me, and walking away.

"Was that you're brother?" I heard Sydney suddenly ask from nowhere.

"Yeah?" I answered, confused by her actions.

"He's actually hot," She said, shrugging.

"It runs in the genes, babe." I smirked. She just rolled her eyes, "And I like how his pants compliment his cute butt." She muttered.

"Back off, boo," Brendan suddenly appeared and smacked Sydney's arm, "I saw that cute butt first."

"Correction," Tiana also appeared, "I saw that butt way earlier than the two of you losers and also his bulge... Is he single? Does he have a girlfriend?" She asked.

"Yeah, a boyfriend actually." I subtly replied. The looked to him to see his partner, huddling him romantically, they look back at me, "Don't worry, you can always take me." I said, smirking at them.

"Sorry, I already did. Not satisfied." Tiana said, walking away.

"I would, but your straight as a steel ruler." Brendan added, also walking away.

"Never in a million years, Abernathy." Sydney said, sassily snapping while walking away from me.

"So when are they gonna start the interviews?" Ryder asked me.

"Johnny actually told me that the school decided to cancel classes for today so everyone could get interviewed without any disturbance." I replied.

"I just hope they don't ask anything too hard to answer." He muttered. I shrugged, "Let's just wait until it comes."

"And if they ask something that's too involved with Katie?" I asked him.

"Then lie." He replied, "We can't let anyone get harmed by this whole bullshit."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2015 ⏰

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