3:Body Discovery

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(A/N, Hey, sorry for not updating this, I took a break for my mental health, but updates will be back!, btw I've been thinking about writing a DRV3 book, would you guys be interested in that?
Anyways, happy reading!)


Makoto's POV:

I was just standing in a random corridor, spacing out thinking about this morning 'Someone has to kill Mukuro and quick....Or better yet, she kills someone....Oh, the despair that she would feel!' A smirk appeared on my face. It didnt feel that long, although I was probably zoned out for a while. "A BODY HAS BEEN DISCOVERED!" Monokuma, being controlled by Junko, says their usual body discovery announcement and I head to the murder scene, which wasnt that far away.

To say the scene was gruesome was an understatement. Leon Kuwata, the ultimate baseball star, lay dead with what looked like a thin pole sticking out his neck. Something was written on the walls, in blood might I add (which was barely legible), it read 'DESERVE' . "Well, let's get investigating..." Kyoko stated, I then realised everyone had collectively zoned out.

Byakuya POV:

I found it hard to believe the sight infront if my eyes, it was so....Gruesome....So horrific...."Well, let's get investigating..." Kyoko stated. I, Kyoko and Makoto entered the room, Aoi and Sakura said they'd look for evidence in other places around the school, I didnt know where everyone else was (except for Taka, who was still suspiciously in his room.) "Guys, over here, I found something." Makoto yelled, Kyoko and I went over there and there was a smashed pill bottle. "Sleeping pills, I recognise the container...." I didn't question how she knew "They were probably used to knock the victim unconscious....that explains why theres no sign of a fight..." I was about to speak until we heard a shrill scream from nearby.....

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