Chapter 10

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Edward's POV:

I sit beside Envy, hugging the shit out of him. I just want him to feel safe, with me at least.

Winry was right. Hiding my feelings is pointless; I like Envy, there's no denying it. I can't explain how happy it makes me feel that he feels the same.

But damn. I've grown so much in the past few hours, I'm exhausted.

After Envy broke down crying, I tried to calm him. To make him feel loved. I know exactly what he's going through. When my mother died, Al and I felt that it was somehow our fault. Since then, I've been silently craving affection. As if waiting for it to be my turn.
With Envy, I'd care for him and he'd care for me. Like the law of equivalent exchange.

"Envy. We can't just stay here. Lets go to my apartment. We need to dry off anyhow."
He shakes his head furiously.
"I can't, Ed. Nobody can find out we're... well... together"
The way he says that word. Together. It makes me blush more than I already have.
"If Father finds out, I- I'd never make it out. Promise you won't tell anyone about us."
He looks defeated. "Envy, there's nothing else we ca-"
"FULLMETAL" He interrupts.
"Call me Ed. Please-"
"I'll meet you here tomorrow at 3pm. Promise you'll meet me?" He asks, and begins to stand up.
"Fine. 3pm it is." I agree.
"Perfect. Thank you for being so kind, Edward. I don't know how I could repay you."
I laugh.
"Envy, I know you aren't... er... human, but people don't usually benefit from having decency." I say. "Besides, I like you."
He looks into my eyes. How could I never have noticed how attractive he is earlier?

Before he leaves, we kiss. Right on the lips.
I blush, and he points it out.
"Stop blushing, Edward. It's making me blush."
He turns away, and he hurries back to his residence.

Tonight, Envy has made me feel loved. That's more than I can say for these past years.
I think about it from an outside perspective. Our relationship is going to affect other things. I can't help but think of Winry.
I think...wait... I know she likes me. It's sad, really, because I thought I liked her too.
But then there's Envy. He's made me feel far safer than she has since we were young. I do feel bad for her, but these are my decisions to make. I choose Envy.

Dammit, I almost forgot that Winry and Al are waiting for me. I make my way up to my shared room and knock. Al opens the door.
"FINALLY!" Winry practically yells. "What took so long. You could've walked to Central and back! You didn't... did you?"
"Of course not." I reassure her.
I feel guilty for not telling them, but Envy made me promise.
"I just... got caught up in my feelings, I guess. Winry, I'm sorry for speaking harshly to you earlier. You didn't deserve that." I tell her.
"It's fine Ed, really. I'm sorry for forcing your feelings out. It's a delicate process, and I completely messed up."
I hug her. Not too tight, of course. I don't want her to get the wrong idea.
"Guys, it's really late. We need to get some rest." Al tells us.
He's right. We set up the pull-out couch for Winry, and fall asleep.

Eventually, morning rolls around. We all want breakfast, since we never ate dinner last night. We collect everyone else, and head to a diner down the street.

"So, Fullmetal. How was last night? I heard your friend came to visit... while you're in the middle of your work duties..." Colonel Mustang states, obviously annoyed.
Winry stayed behind in the hotel. She didn't want to get in the way.
"Yeah. She wanted to talk about my feelings. All some dumb shit." I tell him.
Colonel seems interested at this point.
"Well that's understandable. It certainly makes sense, considering you're in the Military at such a young age. Stress is common. You better listen to her. She's onto something." He tells me.
"Well, I guess. Those were her motives."
I'm starting to get it now. She's just being helpful.
She also has a crush on you. A voice in the back of my head tells me.

Breakfast goes fine. Brother's starting to get suspicious, considering I keep looking at my watch.

I can't wait. I need to see Envy. I need to love him, to care for him.

I shake it out of my head. I almost feel guilty thinking about it. Besides, it has to wait.

After breakfast, we head to the hotel.
"Winry, we're back! We brought you a banana muffin!" Al calls.
She soon emerges from the bathroom, her hair wet, wearing a robe.
I blush almost immediately. I can't help it. It's so damn annoying.

"Hey, guys!"
She blushes back, as well.
"Thanks for this. I'm so sorry for intruding. I have a friend in lower Central. I'll give her a call, I'll crash at her place. You guys have work to do, I'm just a liability. Maybe we can schedule meetings sometime else?"

"Yeah, that's totally fine. There's a phone down by the front desk I noticed."
I turn away. I don't want to sound rude, but she can't stay. She can read my feelings, and tell when I lie. She needs to leave. Temporarily, of course.

Winry is eventually on her way out after she calls a taxi. 30 minutes until I see Envy. I wonder what he's up to-
I'm pulled out of my daydream when Al speaks.

"Brother... last night when you said you cared about Envy- what did you mean?"
I sigh. Not this again.
"I don't know, Al. I wasn't thinking clear. It was late and I was tired. Envy is the least of my liking."
It hurt like hell to lie, but I need to protect Envy right now. Speaking of which-
"Sorry, Al. I gotta leave now. I'm not sure how long I'll be gone, but I'll be checking out the premises the underground station is built on.
I'll see you later."

I leave before I get a response. Hopefully this will all be over soon.

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