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"Hi I'm Harry" he replied with a simple smile on his face.

"I know your mum told me" Louis replied with a small laugh. "So, I'm the person that's supposed to show you around. You don't have a first period class so you don't have to come in till 9:30. I don't have one either." As he continued to talk, Harry oddly noticed something. Louis was a fast talker, and for some reason he liked that.

"And this is your locker, right beside mine." Louis said with a smile. "Now that I have showed you around, do you want to go get a coffee or something? We still hav a whole hour to waste." Louis said.

Harry wanted to say no but he remembered what his mum said.

"Sure" Harry said shortly with a smile. They left the school and Louis drove to the cafe down the street. "So, what did you think?" Louis said. "Think of what...?" Harry replied with confusion on his face. "The school silly!" Harry laughed a little bit but stopped when he realized he was actually getting along with the boy he hated.

"Oh erm, I thought it was.." Harry paused, "...I- it was di-different than my last school." He said looking down at the ground.

"In a good or bad way?" Louis asked. "In a...I don't know way" he said with a small laugh.

"Can I just a have a black coffee please" Louis said, "Harry do you want something?" Louis asked, "erm yeah... I guess I'll just take a water" he replied. Harry found it odd that Louis wanted a black coffee. To Harry, black coffee had no taste and just tasted burnt.

"Here you go!" Louis said sitting down beside Harry. Harry found it weird how happy Louis was around him. Louis knew how rude He was, so why was he being so nice?

"Thank you" he replied. "So, we probably should go now, our class starts in twenty minutes." Harry nodded his head and they went off to school.

As they road back to school, Louis put on some music. "No like this song?!?" Harry said with shock on his face. "OF COURSE!" Louis replied almost yelling.

He looked at Louis and smiled. Harry noticed how blue Louis' eyes were. They were like the clear sea in Hawaii. He almost got lost in them for a split second.

Maybe Louis wasn't as bad as Harry thought.

hey luvs!
Chapter two is completed!
Sorry this chapter was kinda short :(
I will upload a new chapter as soon as possible! :)

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