Page 240

10 4 4

4 mana

Dewin climbed up and up. And up . . .

And up . . .

And up . . .

And up . . .

And up . . .

And up . . .

And up . . .

And up . . .

And up . . .

And up . . .

And up . . .

And up . . .

And up. Then something stopped him in his tracks. And that something was a circling dragon, a dragon with blood red eyes and spikes for armor.

The dragon circled around Dewin several times, roaring louder and louder, before it attacked, diving straight for him.

Defeat the dragon.

To cast Fire (costing 1 mana), turn to page 241

To cast Summon (costing 3 mana), turn to page 244

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