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"thank you, have a nice day!" alex chirped at the customer he just served. he looked over at his friends, gathered around a table laughing at something alex will never know. he sighed softly to himself, feeling like an outcast in his friend group. they came and sat with him through all his shifts, even ones that stretched late into the night because they wanted him to know they were always there. he loved them, so much and they loved him the same, but they never understood him.

he often times felt like a burden, taking up everyones time. he knew they sat with him to show him support, but it made him feel worse at times. maybe it was hard for him to accept the fact that he was loved so deeply because of his past, or maybe his friends were just crazy and should focus on their lives, but either way, alex felt like a party pooper. always cancelling plans to pick up any extra shift he could get his hands on.

it was harder for alex, his parents disowning him, kicking him out and forcing him to pay for everything on his own, something none of his friends could ever understand. still, he smiled softly at them, happy that they were happy.

his smile faded slightly when his boss walked into the cafè, greeting the young man. "good afternoon alex, everything well i assume?" alex nodded softly in response to his question, his head staying low. "well done." he nodded in thanks, trying his best to focus on wiping down the counter in front of him.

it's not that his boss was particularly peculiar with him, alex just didn't have much patience for people, especially people that reminded him of his father. if it were up to his mother, he would be home, and happy. but his father overruled and out alex went. the situation has left him with a permanent distaste for people like his father, rightfully so.

"we have a new boy starting tomorrow, he's new in town. i expect you'll show him the works?" to this statement, alex visibly perked, interested in this new guy. it isn't often there are new comers where they live, it's a small town with not a lot to offer. "what's his name?" he asked, intrigued.

"keegan. seems like a good kid, about your age, maybe a bit younger." alex nodded softly, his head drifting to thoughts about who this new boy could be. "finish wiping down the counter-tops and take off early." alex's eyes widened slightly in shock and his brows furrowed in confusion.

"early, why?" he asked, cautious not to overstep. "you work hard and i wanna give you a bit of a break." though tempting, alex refused the offer, knowing he needed as much money as he could get.

"i appreciate the offer, but i need all the money i can get and taking off early is...." alex paused when he felt his boss place his hand on his shoulder. "i'll cover the time off. you need a break kid." he nodded softly and returned a small, "thanks," and finished wiping down the counter tops as instructed.

alex really wished he could like his boss. he often thought that if he could get over his stubborness that they'd get along quite well. he always looked out for him, especially when he needed him the most, but alex couldn't. they were too alike. he often felt selfish about it. he thought that he was ungrateful to the man.

he finished wiping down the counters as he was told and just as he was heading over to his friends, in walked a boy, wanting to order a coffee. alex groaned softly in his head, but decided he'd be nice and take his order. "hi! what can i get for you?" the boy didn't answer, just scanned the menu. alex found this to be quite rude, but he kept the bubbly persona up to satisfy the customer.

"could i get two hot chocolates to go?" alex furrowed his brows a bit, confused. sure they sold hot chocolate, but he always found it a but weird to go to a coffee shop for one. "two? you got a lucky lady with you?" alex teased, trying to make conversation so the awkwardness of silence wouldn't overtake.

"boy, but yes, i do." alex looked up at him, baffled by his response. where they lived it wasn't normal to be gay and people weren't too open to it. "is that a problem?" alex realized how rude he was being and shook his head frantically.

"no, no not at all its just," alex trailed off softly. "are you new here? people here don't like that, well i like it, not like it like that, that sounded weird. i meant that i,"

"well you're a talker aren't you?" the boy cut him off. alex looked down, embarrassed. he knew he rambled a lot when he was nervous, its something he hated about himself. "that'll be $4.85." he said as he slid the two cocos across the counter and to the boy.

they exchanged the money for the drinks, and just as the boy was walking away, he turned to say something to alex. "i could care less what others think about me. happiness is much more satisfying than approval." and with that the boy walked out of the shop, his words engrained in alex's mind.

he took off his apron and walked over to his friends. "alex whats up!! what're you doing over here?" reggie questioned. "yeah man, thought you had like two hours of your shift left." luke added in.

"boss let me off early, said i needed a break? i insisted on staying but he said he'd cover the two hours for me and still pay me."

"i don't get why you hate him so much alex." julie chimed in. "i don't hate him it's just... complicated." he sighed softly, wishing he could open up to his friends. it's just so hard for him to open up after what happened. "everything's complicated to you alex." alex laughed softly at reggie's comment, knowing it was true. everything really WAS complicated with him, but he didn't mind.

"shut up." he nudged reggie playfully, the group laughing it off. "hey, lets go to the spot and hang for the rest of the night, i think you could use it alex." julie spoke, concern in her voice.

"yup, bossman is right, you need a break. lets go relax and just jam like the good old days." alex nodded softly at his friends words, appreciating them more than he could express. the four of them got up and made their way to their spot, the random boy's words still on alex's mind. happiness is much more satisfying than approval.

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