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so many thoughts were jumping around alex's head as him and his friends walked to their spot. he was glad they suggested it because it always calmed him down.

their spot was a little cliffed area by the pier. in the summers they'd use it as a jumping rock into the ocean below, but in the fall like it was now, they'd just hang and watch the sun set and the animals disappear. each one of them had their own appreciation for nature.

luke's was the sun. he was a really bubbly and positive person, so something as warm and bright as the sun brought him comfort. when the sun was out, everything was warm and bright. even in the cold and cloudy times, the sun brings warmth and light. and when the sun would set, things were dark. without luke the group would be dark, miserable.

reggie's was the ocean. he was a mess and was all over the place, just like the ocean. you never know what an oceans going to do. somedays it may be colder than others, some days the waves may crash harder than others, and some days it was calm and beautiful, much like reggie. the group thrived off of reggie's craziness. he brought them laughter through his crazy antics, even when no one wanted to laugh.

julie's was the animals. animals were pure and kind and stood their ground. if you're rude to an animal, they will stand their ground, but if you respect and love an animal, they respect and love you in return. julie knew what she wanted and she didn't allow anybody to stand in her way, something the boys truly admired about her. but in the same respect she managed to be kind to everybody she met, despite their behavior towards her. she was the voice of the group, the one that everyone loved, i mean, how can you hate animals?

alex's was the plants and the trees. plants and trees often get overlooked and stepped on. people mistreat them, don't think that they're important. but there's always those special people that treasure plants, that find beauty in them and help them blossom. alex's friends were those special people. the one's who helped him grow and blossom. to his friends, alex was a lifeline. they knew he'd always be there, no matter the circumstance. after all, without plants we would suffocate. plants allow us to breathe, and alex was his friend's breath of fresh air.

without reggie they laughed less. without luke their smiles weren't as genuine. without julie they'd never venture out and try anything new, they'd be stuck in their own boring cycle over and over again. without alex they'd suffocate in their own heads. but together, everything flowed.

they were a deep thinking group, often pushed off as the weird kids. they all just had so much to say and so much to give, but people didn't appreciate them for how they were.

"you know guys maybe we should really start a band." julie interrupted alex's thoughts with her words. "i mean we sound great, we all know that. all of our spare time is spent together playing music anyways." the group was silent, but not an awkward one. a silence that was comfortable as everyone was in thought.

"it could be our ticket out of here. i mean think about it alex." alex looked up at luke when he heard his name called. "if things go well for us you won't have to stress yourself out so much and we could leave this town, for good." alex smiled softly at the idea, but his smiled faltered slightly.

"that would be the dream, but dreams don't often come true do they?" the group looked at the boy with sadness. alex was their lifeline but who was his? he knew his friends would be there for him if he needed it, but he didn't want to speak about it, and his friends respected that.

"anything can happen if you want it bad enough, alex. at least things we can control." alex's smile returned. "see! i wanted you to smile and you smiled. dreams do come true." luke nudged him slightly, laughing softly at his friend. he always knew how to make him smile, something that made their connection so special.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2020 ⏰

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