The Right Kind of Wrong (1)

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This is a Fan Fiction about Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy and Rose Weasley — wicked_love wrote Rose, while I wrote Scorpius.


Chapter One

Sunlight appeared over the mountains that surrounded Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The sky illuminated and the light bound across the dewy grounds, making the snow covered grounds sparkle like diamonds. The stars began to disappear as the sun rose through the early morning, peaking into the windows of the great castle, willing the students residing within their confines of their beds to rise with it. The sun found it's way through a small window of Gryffindor Tower and spilled across the hard wood floors.

The sun bombarded the room in a glow and rested upon a delicate, freckled face. The face contorted and a groan escaped a pair of rose-petal pink lips as the form retreated further under a sea of crimson covers. All that could then be visible was fiery red hair, spilled across the pillow in untamed waves.

A frustrated sigh once again escaped the girl as she sat up in her bed in defeat. Her chocolate brown eyes fluttered open and met with the blinding sunlight. A scowl ran across her face and she cursed the forces of Mother Nature that had woken her up, for you see, Rose Weasley was not a morning person.

Rose flung the covers from her and shivered as the cool air of the dormitory met the skin on her arms. The days had grown to become bitterly cold and the chill nipped at her skin.

She swung her legs over the side of the bed and stretched, giving a silent yawn as she stood up. She sat before her mirror at her desk, which was covered in books, parchment, and quills, and took in her reflection. Giving another yawn, she reached for her wand and cast a charm, taming her wild tendrils, which fell in neat, gentle curls around her face and to her shoulders.

She was eternally grateful that her Auntie Fleur had taught her the charm, otherwise her shocking Weasley red hair would be a bushy, untamable mess.

Rising from her chair, she lazily made her way over to her dresser and pulled out a pair of jeans and a purple long sleeve shirt. She pulled her clothes onto her lean frame and slipped into a pair of trainers.

Rose cast one last look at the mirror before grabbing her bag and wand and headed for the door. The Common Room was empty as she had expected, other students were either sleeping or at breakfast. Rose continued and soon found herself walking the corridors of the school, making her way down to the Great Hall. Her stomach gave a rumble and she rolled her eyes.

Rose was a typical Weasley/Granger child, a dead give away being her volumous ginger hair. She was truly her mother's daughter in the fact that she had inherited her mother's intelligence and thirst for knowledge, proof of that is her high marks in nearly all her classes, although Arithmancy stumped her at times, and she knew not to get too carried away in her studies.

To her father's disappointment, Rose held no interest in playing Quidditch, though she was an avid spectator. She was stubborn to no end, something that is evident in her entire family, had an endless appetite, and a quick and hot temper. Yet despite all that, Rose was an understanding, kind, and compassionate person, something instilled in her from her Grandma Weasley. 

Rose reached the Great Hall and made her way over to the Gryffindor table where she plopped herself down in a seat, pulling out a set of her notes from her bag to look over, as O.W.L.s were upon her this year. She then set her bag down at her feet. She pulled a golden plate towards her and piled eggs, bacon, and toast onto her plate. She began to eat as her eyes scanned the piece of parchment before her. A long day was sure to be stretched out before her. 

* * * * * 

Scopius Malfoy blinked his eyes open. 

That was such an odd dream. He scowled, hating it. He didn't want to remember it. The more he thought about it, the more the scowl deepenened. Fortunately, Goyle sprinted into his room. It's marvelous being a Slytherin. He doesn't know nor care about the other houses' dormitories but in the Slytherin dungeons, they each have their own room, starting when you reach your fifth year. 

"Oy, Malfoy," said Goyle, as he clutches his stomach. "I'm hungry. Can we go up to the Great Hall now?"

Scorpius raised an eyebrow at him. "It's still quite early, you know." He climbed out of his bed to get dressed.

"Come on. We always go in late at the Great Hall. It doesn't hurt if we enter a little bit early," Goyle pleaded.

Scorpius sighed. "Fine, I'll get dressed. Wait for me outside." he said. Goyle nodded, beaming as he went out and closed Scopius's room.

According to his father's stories, Goyle's father is very shallow, unlike his son. Scorpius shrugged. Goyle must have taken over his mother's intelligence rather than his father, which is a good thing, mind. Goyle isn't really clever. But he's wise enough to know how to survive this world. Scorpius remembered his first year at Hogwarts. He looked so much like his father, Draco Malfoy. Stories traveled in the Magical World. Stories about what his family had done during the Dark days. Everyone hated Scorpius back then. They loathed his family name. Even the Slytherins didn't like him for they said that the Malfoys were cowards. But he made them see. He made them see how wrong they were. All of them. Scorpius proved that there's still dignity in the Malfoy name. And so, little by little, he earned their respect. He earned everyone's respect. Especially the Slytherins. Their name has once again, became influentially acknowledged in the Wizarding world. Not as well-praised as the Potters and Weasleys. But enough to regain their family status.

Although Scorpius is respected at Hogwarts. He cannot deny how he dislikes the Potters and Weasleys. As usual, the Gryffindors and Slytherins hated each other. There's nothing going to change that. But he got to admit, there's a lot less hate than before, when the Dark Lord still lingers. Even though the Dark days are over, they still compete in school. Sports and Academics. Scorpius is good in both. He excels all his classes as well as in Quidditch. Quidditch, he loves the game. He made Quidditch Captain just this year. His father is really pleased. But unlike his father, Scorpius was tall and lean-build. This causes him to have many admirers. Even from other Houses. Even from Gryffindor. He smiled, thinking that he earned a few of the Gryffindors respect and admiration. But only a few.

When he got dressed, he went out to meet Goyle. No one was in the Common Room, as he had expected. Together, they made their way up to the Great Hall. And when they entered, who else to see in the Gryffindor table but the one he dreamed about? He scowled again, being forced to remember that dream. He dreamed that he confessed his love for Rose Weasley by the lake, under the moon and stars. She accepted and confessed her love as well. It was so romantic that Scorpius wanted to barf. He didn't even eat yet. He tried to ignore her as they sat on the Slytherin table. But no matter how he focuses on his food, the more his gaze crave for Rose's direction. He obviously do not love Rose Weasley. Nor do he like her. But he cannot deny the silent attraction he have for her. He hates himself for that.

The temptation is so hard to ignore. He looked at her back as her head was buried in the books. Scorpius looked around. She was alone. So, he stood up.

"I'll be back in a bit," he told Goyle.

Goyle just nodded, for there was still food in his mouth. Goyle looked at him confusedly. Scorpius just shrugged at Goyle's questioning look.

Scorpius went to the almost empty Gryffindor table. And he stopped beside Rose Weasley.

"It's still too early to study, don't you think, Weasle-bee?" he asked her. That's his nickname -- for her only. He's not being rude. He's simply asking her a question. The nickname just grew on him. And Rose Weasley knows that. 

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