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I never thought I'd be given a second chance at love.

But I was wrong. He was my second chance. And what did I do? Fuck it up.

They say you know true love when you have it. They lied. But maybe that was my fault. It wasn't his. It definitely wasn't his.

He loved me unconditionally, completely, totally. He loved me enough for the both of us, I know that now. I wish I knew that then.

I'm so fucking sorry. I was scared. I was stupid. I was unfair. I hurt you. I never meant to hurt you.

These are my thoughts as I sit in the stands, holding back the tears, hands clasped together, my hood up. It's been years, and he's all I think about. I doubt he thinks about me anymore. 

I overheard my brother mention he was seeing someone. When I asked he wouldn't tell me. I think he knows how much I regret what happened in high school. Still, I wish he wouldn't worry about me. I don't deserve the consideration.

He shines so bright on the court. There are so many amazing players, yet he is the star of the show. 

I need to stop coming to his games. I only feel worse after. And what if he sees me and freaks out? 

What am I saying? I act like I have the right to think I have that effect on him. 


I stop in my tracks. That can't be his voice, can it? I was so close to the exit, too. 

People start pushing past me, trying to leave the stadium. The voice calls out my name again. And this time I turn to see him.

Bokuto Kōtarō. The Second Chance I Wasted.

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