Ch. 4: Kōtarō (16)

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I can't believe we're so late! Short practice my ass. I was so excited to meet up with Kuroo and his friends, but of course the captain suddenly decided to do some long drills at the end of practice. I would never do something like that if I was captain. Even Akaashi seemed bummed practice was taking longer than it should have.

"Bokuto-san! What is the rush?" Akaashi yelled out from behind me as we ran away from the train station.

"We're so late! I don't want to be even later!" I replied, slowing my pace. "Too much?"

"They can wait another 10 minutes." I gave Akaashi a chance to catch his breath, handing him my water bottle. "I'm sure they'll understand. I mean, they're athletes, too."

I nodded, taking my water bottle back after he took a few sips. I often worried my energy was too much for Akaashi. It's been a couple months since he's been at Fukurodani and he sticks around, so I think it's okay. We continued our way to the karaoke place we had gone the other couple of times, walking now instead of running. 

As the building came into view a strange feeling settled in my stomach. It was like when you're going up a roller coaster, a knot anticipation slowly building. But there was no drop, putting me slightly on edge.

We walked through the entrance, making our way to the usual spot. Right outside of the room I recognized a song, but not the voice. It was someone I had yet to hear sing in the group, but that was no one. I'd seen everyone sing. Maybe someone brought their girlfriend? Akaashi shushed me, whispering to me that we should wait until whoever was singing to finish.

I peeked into the room to see the voice belong to a girl with shoulder length black hair. I couldn't see her face, just her back. She was wearing Nekoma's girl's uniform. Her voice sounded so good! I could feel confidence radiating off of her.

Everyone else in the group was looking at her, their mouths open. Nagasawa was the only one standing, a mic in his hand yet he had his arms crossed as he looked at the girl singing with a fond smile. Was the girl his girlfriend? He never mentioned seeing someone. 

"Sayonara dekizu ni. Aruki dasu boku to. Zutto issho ni..."

Mystery Girl stood up straight, but her stance was turned away, making it so I still couldn't see her face. The music slowly faded and the words came out of my mouth before I processed them. "Woah! That was so good!"

Mystery Girl flinched and turned around, now looking at me and Akaashi. I felt myself blush when she looked at me, and I was thankful the room was dark. She was gorgeous. Because of the small panel of light beside her I could see that her eyes were a familiar hazel color that I couldn't quite place. The way her hair shaped her face was unreal. Beautiful. I saw her look us both up and down. She began to walk behind Kuroo, keeping her eyes on me. It made me nervous.

"Th- Thanks," she mumbled. She looked up at Kuroo and tugged on the sleeve of his shirt.

"Oh! Bokuto, Akaashi, meet Takara."

"Hi," Akaashi said politely from beside me. He walked up to 'Takara' and extended a hand. She stood up straight, stepping forward from behind Kuroo and taking his hand. "Akaashi Keiji."

"Kuroo Takara."


Confusion flashed over Akaashi's face. "I'm sorry, Kuroo?"

She raised an eyebrow and looked up at Kuroo. "You didn't tell them you have a sister?"

"Sister?!" I blurted. I slapped a hand over my mouth as Takara looked at me, an almost sharp look in her eye. "S- Sorry. Uh, no, we didn't know."

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