Ch. 1: Takara (16)

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I woke up to the sound of the alarm clock blasting next to my ear. 

What a great day to start the day. 

I groaned and sat up, my black hair a mess. I looked around the room, my room. It still felt weird being home. I got out of bed begrudgingly and walked over to my desk to stop my alarm clock. Thankfully I get my phone today so I don't have to hear that sound anymore. I looked to the mirror on my door. I laughed at the thought of looking even more like my brother, combing through my hair with my fingers gently to fix my bed head.

A knock erupted from the other side of the door. "Takara?"

"Yeah, Dad?"

"Oh, good, you're up. I'm off for work. Don't be late for school."

"Wouldn't want to the year off on a bad foot, right?" I kept my voice peppy in hopes I'd be able to sell the narrative of being excited. 

"That's the spirit." His voice sounded happy. "I'll see you tonight. And be nice to your brother!"

"Have a good day," I called out to the retreating footsteps. 

I walked over to the connecting restroom in my room. I should thank Tetsu again for giving me this room. When I walked in, I caught a glimpse of the uniform hanging on the door. That's one downside of being back. Joshibi didn't have a uniform. But I'll take this over being back there. I showered and brushed my teeth quickly.

My hair was in a towel as I slipped on the uniform; white button up, red bow, black sweater vest, grey skirt and blue blazer. I grabbed a pair of tights to wear underneath the skirt since it was still cold out. As soon as I slipped on the tights there was another knock at the door.


"Come in." Lo and behold everyone, my (younger) twin brother, Kuroo Tetsurō. He stood at a whopping 180 centimeters, making him 13 centimeters taller than me. His hair was in its signature bed head style, as per usual. I looked into his hazel eyes that resembled mine. "Thank you again for giving up this room. I know you liked having this one."

He flashed me a smile and nodded. "Anything for my big sister. Almost ready?"

I looked around the room and down at my clothes before nodding slowly. "Yeah. I just need to grab my book bag and my coat." 

Tetsu looked around my room. He gave a nod of approval seeing most things in its place. The room was simple, very similar to what my dorm room looked like when I first moved into Joshibi. I had decided to rid of all the posters and most of the trinkets I had acquired in my time over there. It felt wrong bringing everything back home.  "You unpacked pretty quickly."

"I got rid of a lot of stuff. Wasn't too bad."

"Still. It's only been a week." Tetsu gave me a look I couldn't quite place. "Anyway, I'll see you outside. I'm going to get Kenma. I have a feeling he's still gaming and not even close to ready." He pat my back before turning to walk out. Right before he exited he said something else. "Your phone's on the counter with a granola bar and water bottle. We can set up the phone on the way to school."

"Got it," I said, grabbing the empty bookbag from my desk. I slipped a couple of notebooks and pens inside, along with my indoor shoes. I walked over to my closet and grabbed a coat, slinging it over my arm. I gave my room one last scan before I went to the kitchen and grabbed the phone, granola bar and water bottle. I looked at the phone in my hand. It was the latest model. I smiled but my stomach felt heavy. I had told them not to get anything nice.

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