Ch. 2: Kōtarō (26)

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You're kidding me. It's her. She's still as gorgeous as I remember. Even if she has her hood up or her hands covering most of her face, I can see the ends of her short, black hair and the familiar hazel eyes. It's Takara. My Takara.

No, not mine. Not anymore. Though, was she ever really mine? We were together, but now I realize she never truly gave herself to me. 

Snap out of it Kōtarō! You have a game to play. 

The ball flies to our side of the court. Hinata receives it perfectly, sending it back over the net.

"Nice receive!"

I don't mean to call out to her, but I do. Even in the midst of a crowd, I could spot her anywhere. I call out to her again and that's when she turns. So many emotions run through her face, beginning with fear, going through confusion, surprise and sadness, ending with something that looks like happiness. I feel my heart swell. She's happy to see me.

"Kou, I-," she begins before stopping herself. "Bokuto."

I shake my head. "Kou's fine, Taka." I walk closer to her and she does the same. "I saw you in the stands, I just had to talk to you."

Takara's eyes widen. "You saw me?"

I nod, reaching out a hand. She's here. She's so close.


Camera flashes and voices crowd around me, cutting me off from Takara.

"How nervous were you to play today?"

"What do you have to say to your fans that want to play volleyball?"

"Which teammate are you closest to?"

The questions keep coming. But I don't answer. I see Takara staring at me. I try to push past the interviewers, but they somehow keep me in place. I can see the gears turning in her mind, doubt clouding over her face.

No, I almost call out. Stay.

I try to call out to her, my voice drowning in the sea of the crowd. Damn it! Takara turns her gaze to the stadium exit. I begin to pray that she won't leave. She has to stay. We need to talk. It's been almost 8 years. I want to make up for lost time.

Thoughts begin to swirl in my head. Maybe if I fought harder, we wouldn't be doing this right now. Maybe if I kept trying. 

I need to keep trying.

"I'm not taking questions at the moment! I have a personal matter to take care of!" My voice booms despite the sounds of the stadium. Reporters begin to back off, clearing a path for me to walk through. Takara is still turned towards the exit, but she isn't moving. I jog up behind her, calling her name once again.

"Taka, I'm here." She doesn't turn, and before I think I grab her hand to turn her around. "Let's go to the team bus? Everyone else had some schedules to do."

She looks down at our hands and I feel her fingers twitch. I guide her in the direction even without a response, trying to get us away from view. Before we make it out the exit, Takara pulls away. She walks past me towards the door, pushing it open and hardly taking a beat to wait for me.

"I'll follow you. Just don't hold my hand. I don't want there to be an issue with your partner."

Her tone surprises me, but not as much as her words. I hurry behind her. "Issues with my partner? Taka, I'm not seeing anyone." My hand hovers over the small of her back as we make our way to the bus. I point in the direction we're heading in, opening the bus door and waiting for her to step up.

Takara looks at me, unconvinced. Her arms cross and she shakes her head. "Tetsu said-"

"He's a liar, Taka. I don't know what he's told you or why, but I'm telling you now I'm not seeing anyone." I wave my hand, motioning for her to walk in. "Let's just talk." There's a battle in her mind that even I can see. I start to shift on the balls of my feet, breeze in the air making me shiver slightly.

She breathes a huge sigh before obliging. "Five minutes."


character and age are in the chapter title! this book goes back and forth between past and present, something new i wanted to try. if not for the entirety of the book, most chapters will be taka and bo

my hands are so shaky from stress + working out but we shall persevere! hope the end of the semester/school year isnt too bad for everyone

song rec(s) of the day: angel baby by troye sivan (but also seonghwa from ateez... his cover was to die for mhm)

show rec of the day: bungo stray dogs

vote and comment any feedback/predictions/random thoughts <3
dont forget to check out my other works :)xx

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