Its A Wonderful Lie

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Winter in New York. A Gossip Girl checklist to surviving the cold: Cashmere Stoke for ice-skating at Wollman Rink... Jacques Torres hot chocolate for window-shopping the holiday displays... and the perfect date to the Senior Snowflake Charity Ball.

You would think with Nate being my boyfriend he'd be the perfect date for the Snowflake Ball but since the only other person who knows is Chuck I'd have to find myself a date. Someone who isn't going to try hit on me, maybe I could ask Dan?

I wake up most morning with Nate and I have to ask some other guy to the ball, ugh how stupid. My mom has been annoying me for she's about this ball so there's no way I'm going to get out of it.

My date is going to have to be someone I haven't already slept with and with that in mind Dan is still the only person I can think of.

Serena has somehow managed to drag me and Dan both over to the gallery to seem Aaron's new work.

"Aww. They're adorable. You know, I feel inspired to shop at the Gap... or validate my self-image with overpriced cosmetics," I hear a girl say and I guess that would be Aaron's ex Lexi.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure the Gap has a dress code," I say glancing her over. "And I'm sure you could use those over priced cosmetics."

She looks away sheepishly and Dan chuckles behind me.

"Serena. Kim. Dan. Hey. This is Lexi," Aaron says, I guess nobody wants to fight today.

"The ex. I was wondering when I'd finally meet you," Serena replies. The difference between me and Serena is I would hit this girl for disrespecting me but Serena's actually nice so she won't do it.

I keep giving this Lexi girl the evil eyes so she knows I'm not the nice one. That is until I get a Gossip Girl blast of Nate and Vanessa kissing.

"I'm sorry ladies. For those of you hoping to find Nate Archibald under your tree... looks like he's already picked up his mistletoe mate."

Nate freaking Archibald. A whole life of friendship wasn't enough for him to even try with our relationship I guess. Screw him and Vanessa, I'm going to get the best freaking date to this stupid ball.

I excuse myself from the gallery and make my way home to start searching. Okay I may have spent the whole walk home and several hours in my room crying. How is it that when I get my first boyfriend he cheats on me, my whole relationship thing worked so well for me before why did I stupidly think Nate who cheated on his girlfriend of like ever would be any different with me.

When I finally leave my room I run into Bart.

"Going somewhere," I ask.

"Just a quick trip, I'll be back tomorrow in time for the ball," he replies.

"Good because you owe me a dance," I laugh.

"I wouldn't miss it," he says giving me a hug.

"I know my moms been distant but she loves you and will come around," I tell him.

"When did you get so wise," he asks and I laugh.

"Beats me. You and the Captain are basically my dads okay so no matter what happens with my mom I love you," I tell him as he gets ready to leave.

"I love you too kiddo," he replies and I leave him to it.

I grab some water and return to my bedroom to try find myself a date. I text like every boy in my phone but they are all busy which is annoying. I'm pretty sure Nate hasn't seen Gossip Girl yet because he hasn't even tried to text me or maybe he doesn't care?


I feel asleep late last night and I still have no date. How can I make Nate jealous if I go solo? This is going to suck so much.

I find a text from Nate on my phone telling me he missed me last night so I guess he really didn't see Gossip Girl.

I decided to wear a red silk dress that frames my boobs well and has slips at the sides showing my legs. One thing I know about boys is they can't resist a bit of leg.

When I arrive at the ball I find Nate and I don't let his perfect face or perfect smile or perfect eyes distract me.

"Hey, I've been looking for you," he says.

"Yeah, right," I scoff.

"Did I do something?" He asks me, genuinely confused so I toss him my phone.

"Wait. I can explain," he says.

"Save it for someone who cares Archibald. I fucking love you and your kissing Brooklyn trash, I thought Jenny was bad but Vanessas just worse. So good luck with your new relationship because we are done," I shout at him before walking off.

I stormed all the way over to the bar before realizing I left my phone with Nate but he can keep I don't care it's not like I can't afford another one.

I'm probably way to drunk for this early on but I don't care. I'm strolling around the ball with a drink in hand taking it all in.

I notice my mom and Rufus dancing in a corner and I smile. I love Bart Bass he's like a dad to me but him and Lily were probably never going to work out especially after thanksgiving but I didn't think it would happen this soon.

Jenny, Vanessa and Lexi all in the same room is just annoying me. I don't know why but just being in the same vicinity as them it's hurting my head.

Vanessa approaches Nate and he kisses her on the cheek and I get so annoyed, but two can always play at that game.

I hear the sheep talking about their plans for Vanessa and I smirk but I want this payback for myself so I go find the boy with the light. Just a bit of quick flirting and he lets me use the light thing.

As Vanessa walks away from Nate I shine the light on her and laugh as her dress becomes see through. Nate notices me and I raise my glass with a smirk.

He makes his way over to me, looking angry.

"I guess I should have expected it from you," he says.

"What me? I didn't plan any of this, that was all sweet Jenny Humphrey and the sheep. I just moved a light," I answer, taking a sip of my drink.

"You can be so cold sometimes," he answers and I shrug.

"At least she still has her hair," I answer before pushing past him.

I'm so done with him and this stupid conversation and this stupid ball. Everywhere I look people are in love and kissing, it's disgusting. Tonight's been horrible but hey at least it can't get any worse.

My mom finds me by the bar looking quite frantic.

"Kim have you seen Charles?" She asks me.

"No I don't think so," I tell her and she sighs.

"Is something wrong?" I ask.

"Bart's been in an accident," she tells me and my heart drops.

"But he's okay right?" I ask, dreading the words about to come out of her mouth.

"I don't know," she replies, and my whole world shatters. He has to be okay right? He's Bart Bass, he's indestructible. God I hope so.

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