Southern Gentlemen Prefer Blondes

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Eventually every queen finds herself in unfamiliar territory outside the castle walls. In Blair Waldorf's case, the East Village.

Playing basketball with the guys is usually fun but not when they aren't putting their best efforts in and by they I mean Nate.

"Well, you suck more than usual today," I say to him.

"I'm a little distracted. Things with—," he says clearly not wanting to mention Blair's name.

"It's okay, you can say her name," Chuck replies.

"Yeah she's not Voldemort," I laugh.

"Blair. I feel weird talking to you guys about it," Nate responds.

"Nathaniel, she's your girlfriend. If you wanna be friends it's part of the deal," Chuck answers.

"Beside we're used to it," I laugh throwing him the ball.

"So it's okay to talk about her like we used to?" He asks and I nod. I've come to the conclusion that Nate and I aren't meant to be and I've let it go and I hope for Chuck's sake he's let Blair go.

"I think next year's gonna be harder than I thought. You know with me in Morningside Heights and her down in the Village, it's long-distance," Nate says.

"It's too bad you don't have a place in the middle like my room at The Palace," Chuck answers grabbing the ball from Nate.

"I can't wait to see Blair at NYU," I chuckle thinking how funny it's going to be. She's going to at a school full of Dan Humphrey's, I'm pretty sure that's her worst nightmare.

"Play nice," Nate responds.

"When don't I?" I respond.

"In bed," Chuck answers and we laugh but Nate doesn't look to pleased.


Somehow Blair has managed to talk me into spying on Gabriel with her and while we are staking out the front entrance to my building Chuck pulls up.

"Blair...Kim," he says a bit confused.

"I see your wearing your beret. Who are we spying on tonight," he says to B.

"Serena's shady Southerner or so Blair says," I respond.

"I can't say he does much for me either. But why the intrigue? Don't tell me not enough drama and domestic bliss with Nate? When people step outside their relationship for a thrill it's usually not alone and in the dark," He asks her.

"Okay Mr I'm over it, she's not alone I'm here," I respond.

"If I'm Mr I'm over it does that make you Mrs I'm over it," he asks with a chuckle.

"Yeah whatever," I respond.

"Shhh," Blair says pushing us behind Chuck's limo.

Gabriel exits the building and I can't help but feel as if I know. I haven't even met him before so why does he seem familiar.

"This feels eerily familiar," Chuck says to Blair and I gag.

We watch as Gabriel approach's a vehicle and Poppy exits and hugs him before they get into the car together.

"That rat," I say. I never liked Poppy and for good reason.

After Blair heads home and we walk inside I stop Chuck for a moment.

"Could you get your guy to do a little digging?" I ask him.

"On what? And why?" He responds already pulling out his phone.

"Gabriel, I feel like I've met him somewhere before," I tell him and he starts talking to his PI.

"Done," he responds and I'm glad.

"This would have been so much easier if Andrew Tyler was still following us around," I laughed.


The next afternoon Nate dragged me and Chuck to look at some random apartment for reasons unknown to me.

"As fun as this is what are we doing here?" I ask yawning.

"This place is great, but Murray Hill? Even your mother's too hip for this ZIP Code," Chuck adds.

"It's for me. It's half-way between NYU and Columbia. So I figured I'd lease it so I could be close to Blair next year," Nate explains.

"Couldn't you have just told us this over the phone?" I ask.

"Your my friends, all right? I brought you here as my friend to show you I found a solution to my problem," he responds.

"Oh you mean you brought Chuck," I mumble.

"Okay, friend, I hope you'll be very happy here," Chuck responds.

"I just wanted to show you that Blair and I are really serious now. You understand that?" Nate asks. Ugh boys and their drama.

I got cheated on for Brooklyn and Blair gets an apartment on the Upper East Side, how fun.

"So she told you about our little run-in last night?" Chuck responds.

"I wouldn't call much of a run-in more like two seconds of conversation," I add.

"Actually you know what, if you guys want to continue fighting over Blair Waldorf please do so but I'm not going to stay and listen," I rant before leaving.

I'm so over Nate but this constant mentioning of Blair between him and Chuck is driving me crazy.

On my way out I get a text from Blair about the whole Serena, Gabriel drama but I decide to opt out. Instead I head to the first bar I can find in this lame neighbourhood.

"Are you stalking me?" I ask Carter after he enters the bar after me.

"I might be," he responds.

"Why?" I ask.

"You might be the most interesting thing about this city," he tells me and I laugh.

"Your probably the only one who thinks that," I respond.

"Let me take you out?" He asks.

"I guess I'm not doing anything," I respond and he takes my hand dragging me outside to grab a cab.

For some reason he takes me to see a movie. It was honestly a little weird going on a date with Carter Baizen, but I'll admit it was fun. 

We spent most of the movie throwing popcorn at each other and messing around, we almost got kicked out twice but Carter paid them to let us be.

After that we parted way and I've come to the conclusion that I like Carter freaking Baizen. Well not like that, I mean I'd be happy to call him a friend.

Oh, dear queen, heed the words of a king: Look like an angel
Talk like an angel
The devil in disguise
XOXO, Gossip Girl.

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