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I scooted closer to him and placed my right hand on his left shoulder and my left hand on the right side of his face, forcing him to look at me. It was at this moment that I saw that he had put a short sleeve shirt on and I couldn't see anything on his arms, that's a good thing.

The look on his face was enough to break my heart all over again. The pain in his eyes, his eyes being puffy from crying, his nose being red, his bottom lip quivering, the tears running down his face. He's trying to keep it all in, and this sight sent new tears down my own face. I slowly pulled him into a gentle and tight hug.

"Please don't start with that..."

Dan began to shake for a few second before a loud sob was pushed out onto my shoulder.

I flinched at how sudden and loud it was but decided to start to rub his back to try to bring him to some sort of ease, even if it's just a little bit.

The rise and fall of his back would shutter as he finally let all the emotions that he has been bottling up out.


He clung onto my shirt as if he was a child and my shirt is a comfort item that belonged to him and someone is trying to take it away.

"Shhhh, it's okay Dan. Let all of it out."

We stayed like this for countless minutes, maybe even an hour.

Soon enough the cries slowed down to a halt and his choppy breathing slowed to an even pace.


The response came from the slumped figure leaning against me. I figured he fell asleep.

I carefully pried his arms off of my back and I cautiously picked him up bridal style with ease.

To say I was started with his weight is an understatement. After what I just saw, I was terrified. The more I thought about it and the more I looked at him, the more I realized that I don't remember the last time we ate together, and now I know that it was for a reason.

"Goddamnit Dan..."

I made the trip to his room be as quiet as I can, so I didn't make any sudden movements. Upon arrival at his door, I moved my right knee up to support his lower back so I can open the door.

Once open, I slipped in and made my to his bed. There, I placed him on it and pulled a cover up and over his body, stopping at his neck.

A part of me is wanted to take the blanket off of him and lift up his shirt just to see what he has done to himself, what I potentially help cause.

He wouldn't be happy, and I know he'd want to show me when he's conscious, otherwise I might break some trust that the two of us have.

I swiftly walked to the door and went to close it behind me. I stopped it at just a crack so I'll know if he closes it or not.

When he wakes up, I'm going to make the two of us some food, make him eat it if I have to, and we're going to talk about today, all at his pace however.

All I know is that I'm not sleeping until we talk.
Flashback end
I shivered and shut the thought away. I don't want to think of that now, or never.

I honestly thought he stopped, and I think he did for a while. Maybe his mind just got the better of him, and there's no shame in seeking help for that.

My ears quieted my thoughts as I heard some mumbling through the wall in the room next to me, where Dan is having his therapy session. The mumbling was at a lower pitch, so I assume that Dan is the one speaking right now.

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