Annoying Pigeon

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Multiverse Found

Annoying Pigeon

"We're going to watch a...pigeon?" Jiro questioned. 

Miko grabs the index card that was pushed out from the slot under the button. Reading over the context of this universe, she can't help but let out a snort. "No this isn't about a pigeon, just watch and you'll find out what it's about. Do you wanna know the people who are going to be in it?"

"Yes, please," Hagakure replies. "Ok so the Bakusquad, Midoriya, Uraraka, Aizawa sensei, Todoroki, and Koda."

It shows Jiro reading and Kaminari moving from one side of her desk to the other while making a weird sound repeatedly. He kept doing this. Jiro was slowly losing patience and a ticked-off mark was shown on her cheek.

"HAHAHAHA." -Kaminari

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?"-Pom with Anger Issues

"LANGUAGE YOU BRAT."-Mitsuki said wanting to smack him but being too far to.

Kaminari is running around everywhere while emitting strange noises while Jiro was trying hard to focus on the book in front of her.

"Poor Jiro *kero*" 

"Why are you like this," Jiro asked, Kaminari just shrugged his shoulders.

Kaminari is moving closer and closer to the screen. Then it transitions to Aizawa talking to the Bakusquad about licorice mint. It shows Kami moving to the screen again. Next, it transitioned to Kirishima sweeping Bakugou with a broom labeled 'Kindness'.

"What the fu-" Bakugou was about to say but was cut off by his mum's glare. 

"That's so manly" Tetsu and Kiri yelled, wiping a manly tear.

"What the fuck is wrong with your class?" Shigaraki asked Aizawa. "Honestly. Everything." Said man replied.

The scenes repeated until it got to the sweeping one, where it displays Kirishima sweeping Bakugou's face then Katsuki chasing Kirishima back and forth screaming while sparking explosions. Katsuki finally catches him but it gets cut off by Koda moving from side to side. Next Shoto is seen sitting at his desk and banging his head against it according to the beat. Koda is seen again and then it switched back to Todoroki banging his head against his desk again.

"What am I witnessing and should I be concerned?"-All Might

"HAHAHAHAH I GUESS CLASS 1-A ISN'T AS PERFECT AS THEY LET ON-" Monoma gets knocked out by Kendo, who shoots the theater an apologetic look.

Katsuki has Kirishima by the collar and is really to explode his ass. Midoriya and Uraraka are seen standing a bit back. Midoriya tries to calm Bakugou down with an annoyed-looking Uraraka next to him. Bakugou turns to them and they cover themselves, terrified. It goes back to Koda and Todoroki. Denki is seen very close to the screen trying to laugh evilly. Bakugou is back to chasing Eijiro back and forth. The scenes keep playing at different times to make a very chaotic yet musical world.  Finally, it goes back to Kaminari next to Jiro still making those weird sounds while moving all around. Jiro finally breaks, grabbing her hair and screaming. Then it goes back to Kaminari running around her. Shoto is once again seen slamming his head into his desk before it cuts back to Kaminari running wild and finally ending with Jiro screaming while she clenched her hair.


"That was very chaotic," Mina said clenching her stomach as she bends over to rest her head on her knees.

"This was basically our class but minus the quirks," Remi said, shrugging from her place next to Miko on the stage.

"Shhhh don't go exposing us Mimi-chan," Miko replied putting a finger to her friend's lip. Remi pushes her finger away, glaring at the younger but taller girl, "I told you to stop calling me tha-" "But you are my beloved, ANYGAYS take this moment to either go to the restroom or get a snack cuz the next world is starting soon."


Sorry its short but I just thought we could start with light and airy stuff before moving to the depressing and angsty stuff. 

Psycho with Insomnia aka R_to_Suga

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