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In times long past, the primary mode of living for our ancestors was that of hunting. However, through the natural progression of evolution, they gradually acquired the knowledge and skills to farm, fish, weave, and raise poultry - developing various forms of agriculture.

Later, through the advancement of intellectual capabilities, our ancestors learned to communicate by speaking, translating, and commanding through the written word. They also utilized their engineering expertise to construct impressive architectural structures.

What is truly captivating, however, is the means of entertainment our ancestors possessed. Even in those bygone eras, our forebears demonstrated a profound understanding of expressing art through music, dance, painting, acting, and the art of storytelling - traditions they dutifully passed down to successive generations.

It is to this same historic era that we now turn our attention. Through this narrative, we shall explore an amalgamation of captivating stories, unravel intriguing mysteries, and address questions you may not have previously considered posing.

Where our literature reflects their beliefs, and their religion is now what we call myths.

This is the story of a princess, unwilling to marry her upcoming king, who chooses instead to love her right hand man, who had taught her to be a beautiful and elegant princess.

Though they proved the worthiness of their love for each other and to the king's followers, Princess Gemma (Jewel) later discovered that the man she loved, Nicko, was in fact a 500-year-old warlock. However, Nicko never denied the fact that he was a sorcerer, swearing he had changed on the day he first saw her.

The beginning and aftermath of the Trojan War will play a significant part in this story/fable.

Author's Note:
Even though this story has used Wikipedia as an information basis, some aspects may differ, as they have been sanitized for all readers and enhanced for better narrative flow. Remember that this story is the product of the author's imaginative creativity, intended to impress their friends.

I hope whoever reads this story will forgive the poor quality of my English writing skills, and that my English teacher will not punish me for this.

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