No other option

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Trigger warning ⚠️
This does have abuse. If you are triggered by any type of abuse please do not read. There is also mental illness. depression, PTSD, and anxiety. Please if you are triggered by any of this please do NOT READ.

Patrick's POV
Today I'm going to an orphanage to meet some kids for a charity event, take a few photos and just make the kids day. The directors said it would be a good idea if I go right before we start filming season 6 of Grays Anatomy. Ellen was supposed to come with me but she had some meeting she had to go to last minute. I pulled out of my driveway at 7am to go meet the drivers who were going to take me to the orphanage.
I arrived at the set at 7:25am and the driver took me to the orphanage. When we got there all the camera guys got out first and filmed me getting out of the car and pointed the camera at a big 'Welcome Patrick Dempsey' sign. I walked into the building and was taken to the head of the orphanages office. When I walked in there was a lady at the desk. She looked to be about in her mid 50s maybe early 60s but nothing more. She looked kinda grumpy and tired.
She looked up from her desk and smiled at me.
"Welcome Mr.Dempsey, please have a seat"
I sat down across from her and smiled as I shook her hand.
"So I don't think you've done this before, I'm I correct?"
"Yes this is my first time" I smiled at her.
"Okay so this orphanage is 'co Ed' so boys and girls. There ages very from 5-17 so there is a big age range. Don't mind the older kids most of them have given up hope by now about being 'picked' as they like to call it. It just happens to be visit day, so there will be family's here to see if they want to adopt anyone. But it shouldn't be too crowded. Anyway, do you have any questions for me?" The lady asked as she shuffled through some papers on her desk.
"Where do I start?"
"Follow me" the lady said getting up from her desk.

I spent the whole morning talking to little kids and taking pictures with them. Then lunch time came around. Most of the little kids went out to play as the older kids took seats outside and ate as they watched them play.
There was only one table open left when I got out there and there was only one little girl there eating alone. I sat down across from her,
"Hey, what's your name?" I asked.
She looked up at me with big puffy eyes.
"Mariah" she said looking back down and sniffling.
"Why are you upset" I asked in a light voice.
"I got called back...again. 5th time this year."
"What do you mean you got called back?" I asked
"It's basically when a family says they want to adopt you, but then they find a kid that is better then you. So they pick that one."
"Oh" I said. That must be horrible I thought.
"But I guess I shouldn't be that upset. I am 10, no one wants a 10 year old girl. Especially a girl with a lot of damage."
"Damage?" I asked
"I lost my family in a car crash, I'm the only one that lived. I watched all of them die, screaming, crying, yelling. Anything you can think of, I saw. I ended up here since my parents never put me in there Will. The judge wouldn't let me live with other family I am. My family used to visit me but they stopped about a year ago. So yeah I'm pretty damaged." Mariah said as a year rolled down her cheek.
"I'm sure someone will pick you."
"Today's the last visit day of the year. And since I just turned 10, I'll only get to have 2 visit days a year so that the younger kids can have more. I'll be here till I'm 18."
I heard the bell ring,
"I guess lunch is over"
"Yeah" Mariah said standing up and walking away.
I watched as the 10 year old girl walked away with almost no emotion. The only emotion you could see was in her eyes. They looked empty.
At the end of the day I walked back to the heads office.
"So how'd you like the kids were they nice to you?" The lady asked
"Yes of course."
"Did you pick a kid?"
"For the day tomorrow, they said you take a kid from here to spend the day with?"
"Oh Umm" I thought to myself. The only kids name I remembered was Mariah, the sad girl at lunch.
"Okay, 1,2, or 3. There's 3 Mariah's"
"Um I dont remember the number. She's 10 though. Does that help?"
"That would be Mariah 3, we don't give the kids last names. Would you like to take her tonight and bring her back tomorrow night?"
"Sure" I said.
I had no idea I was taking a kid with me. No one ever told me I was going to. I texted Ellen.
Patrick- hey el, so I guess I'm taking a kid home with me tonight from the orphanage. I had no idea. Any chance we can just crash at your place tonight? My place is a mess."
Ellen- sure Patty, I won't be home till 10 though but the key is in the 3rd bush to the right.
Patrick- alright thanks!

I looked up from my phone to see Mariah, standing there with a backpack. Looking at me with those same empty eyes.
"Ready to go" I asked standing up
She just looked up at me and grabbed my hand.
"Thank you" she said quietly as we walked out of the office.
We got in the back of the car that was taking us back to my car. I thanked the driver and helped Mariah get into the passenger seat and put her backpack in the backseat. I shut my door and looked over at her.
"You just saved me tonight." She said with tears in her eyes.
I looked at her, confused as to what she meant. I parked the car in Ellen's drive way and grabbed Mariah backpack of the car and helped her out of the car. I started to look for the key. When I looked up I noticed Mariah constantly looking back and forth like she thought someone was watching us.
"You okay" I asked as I picked up the key.
"Where are they, Mrs.Green said they'd be here, watching me, making sure I didn't-" she stopped talking like she said something wrong.
"To make sure you didn't what?" I said unlocking the door.
"I can't say, they will hurt me."
"It's just me and you. No one else is here."
"Promise" I said locking the door behind me.
I lead Mariah to the coach and sat down next to her.
"They aren't nice people. I mean they are nice to adults but not kids. Well not me at least. They do a lot of hitting, well I guess technically THEY don't do the hitting but they send the older tougher kids to do the hitting. When ever I do something they don't like they send people after me to hurt me. They steal my things at night, well at least the little that I have. Mrs. Green said that I was going to get punished tonight since I looked sad today when I was talking to you and since I got 'called back'. They don't want me there since I cost money. That's what they tell me." Mariah now had tears running down her cheeks.
"Wow Mariah, I' sorry" I said wrapping my arms around her and holding her tight.
After she had calmed down I let her pick a movie for us to watch until Ellen got home. I got us some popcorn and some coke. As we were watching the movie Mariah cuddled up to my side. I was starting to grow attached to her. Even though I haven't known her for very long. When the movie ended Mariah was fast asleep with her head resting on my chest. Ellen walked in the door a few minutes later.
"Patrick I'm home!" Ellen yelled as she walked in the living room.
"Shh!" I shushed her as Mariah moved in her sleep.
"Sorry" Ellen said
She looked at me in aw and Mariah slept.
"It hasn't even been 24hrs and she's already in love with you." Ellen said as she sat down.
"I think im more obsessed with her" I said chuckling and I brushed her hair out of her face.
There was a moment of silence.
"If your so obsessed with her, just adopt her."
"That's crazy. Isn't it?"
"It's only as crazy as you see it." Ellen said getting up and ruffling my hair.
"Maybe I will" I said quietly.

I woke up on the couch at 8:30am I heard the tv going. I looked down in my lap to see Mariah watching espen. I chuckled.
"Is this what you want to be watching"
"Yeah" Mariah said as her eyes glued to the tv screen.
I tried to move Mariah off my lap so I could make us some breakfast.
"No Patty say and watch with me" Mariah giggled she tried to keep me from getting up.
I picked Mariah up and held he upside down and tickled her. I sat her back down on the couch.
"I need to make us some breakfast I'll be right back."
"Ellen already made breakfast for me"
I looked over at Ellen who was watching us from the kitchen and smiled.
"Alright I guess I'll watch" I said as I sat back down and Mariah got back in my lap. I wrapped my arms around her. This already felt so normal, like she was mine. There's no way I could give her up now. I had to adopt her, it's the only option.

Hey guys this is my first chapter I hope you liked it!!💗💗 this is my longest chapter ever! If you liked it please vote and comment on the parts you liked!💗💗 I love you all and I will update one of my 3 stories soon!💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗

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